Sending this message from Carl's computer as our broadband is still not working. Photos look great and you are obviously having a wonderful time.
Much love from us both. xxx
Hello lovely buds, loving the pictures - all very beautiful, exotic and hot looking unlike New York where we've just been for a quick break (for Nick's 30th) which was very cold (but good). Missing you and sorry not to have been in touch very much, job applications/job/life a bit hectic right now .. but will update by email soon! Much love xxxxx
Hello, the MCG is meant to be a nice stadium but I can't see the point in travelling all the way to Australia to see a great sporting arena. There is a magnificent one in Sheffield 2.
I also can't believe you only bet $5 in a casino. You'll never become a millionaire at this rate. It's a well known fact that you have to speculate to accumulate.
Anyway I must fly, i'm at work so I need to watch England play cricket and some good old rugby league (they have that in Australia).
Anyway, have fun.
Michelle Carpenter
Hello guys,
Glad you are having a fab time. Blimey Juliette I xan't beleive you got that close to the giant crab!!! Miss you but glad you are having a wonderous adventure, love Mich x
hi guys its jack ,sounds like your seeing lots and enjoying yourselves - hows the hot spicy food treating you?chickens are fine and im hoping to rear some more off soon - were all going to watch england next saturday cant wait - football is going great im in two semi finals soon both against teams that havent lost a match all season heh hoh !toby says hi and great pictures - miss you love jack , toby acer xxxxxx
Granny Claude
17 hr bus ride sounds dreadfull
glad you made it safe and sound. I understand
Australia is amazing so take lots of pictures so your poor relatives can see it from afar.
Much love
Dave F
Hello you two, sounds like your having a great time - i'm pretty jealous!
I like all the tours of the sports grounds, nice one taylor for talking Juliet into them!
All ok here, enjoy Australia
Hi you pommies does Xris our fit brit compare well with the Aussie runners.I am with you Jue finding bargins.Isuspect you will make up for it. Becareful of the ...usual advice.Aussieplay crazy football but I think its exciting. Granddadhas his car back repaired but we hope he will give up in the near future.No job yet but Iwon 50 quid on the premium bonds .Iam working on Lynns house now.Phil has done very little he is at Ellies flat most of the time.James has worked a lot at the house but makes promises to his mum and does not follow them up. I will do what I can . James and Tom have been working there also. I will before you say be careful.Enjoy your time in Melbourne and Sydney Have tinny on I will pay for it when youy come home LOVE AND PEACE Dad and LYNN
Glad you're having so much fun. Why would you avoid the weirdy beardies? They sound like the people to flock towards.
Also, today I was nearly killed by the biggest bee known to mankind, I'm sure it would have made your tropical spiders look miniscule.
Assunming I survive the killer bees I'll look forward to reading your next blog.
Miss you
Hannah Rogers
Hi Jue
Sounds like you had a great time in Melbourne and went to all the best places! Enjoy Sydney and try to get to the Blue Mountains if you have time!
Lots of love, take care.
Han xxx
Alex And Heidi
Hi Ju and Chris
Just catching up with your holiday progress after Dad mentioned your blog. It looks like your both having a lot of fun while covering a lot of ground! Enjoy the rest of your travels and take care.
Love Alex and Heidi
hi ju and chris looks like you two are having a great time so glad you are in australia pictures are fantastic looking forward to some more watch the spiders love paulie and ian