Just reading your blog on a rainy morning in Southampton, what adventures you're having, not sure about the spiders though! The photo of the Hutton Lodge hostel shows you are slumming it too. Glad you are having a great time. Look forward to seeing more photos. Take care.
love Annie xx
Granny Claude
Hi Looks as if you are having quite an adventure. My girl holding bugs in the hands !
Unbelievable. Think Chris has the right idea to stay awy from those critters.
Safe travels AM praying very hard for your safety in your travels. Be aware of your surrrounds dear one
Much love
hi ju grandad here just been looking at your photos looks like you are having a really good time some news for you i have prangethe car oh dear grandad3
Anna-Maija Webb
Loving the updates, glad you are having such a great time. We can't wait for you to get here! Keep the stories and photos coming! And in agreement with everyone else you look gorgeous!
Lot of love
Anna-Maija xxx
Kevin And Mum
Hi Jue and Chris
Lovely pictures and you both look great. Love your hat, Chris, and Jue, your hair looks good! Love the curls!
Take care
Mum and Kevs
Well hello there honeys, looking good, photos are great sounds like you two are having a great time. Spoke to Rachel and she said if you are passing WA Australia in Perth you are more than welcome to stay with them. let me know and I will forward you their details. Lots of love as always, take care of yourselves. Melxxxx
Shaun Sadler
Hi Ju good to see your having a great time. Looks excellent, take care... your cousin Shaun.
That beach looks beautiful, it clearly had an effect on you - you were getting quite poetic about it in your blog. Incidently, you don't need to worry about the humidty messing up your hair, it looks great, I love the curls.
Do try and make sure the drivers don't kill you, it would be nice to have you back at some point - it's your turn to buy the takeaway when you get back.
Miss you
Carlos Footlong
hello travellers , were all hoping your having a great time , enjoy - were all well - dont forget my hike socks or farmani watch , cant beat a bit of fake ! xxxxx
Granny Claude
Wonderful to hear about your adventures. Massage on the beach. Oh baby what a life.
Lizard in your cabin sounds like our North Carolina adventure.
HAve a great time. I am praying for your safe travels
Love Grand ma CLaude
Mandy Lloyd
Hi Jue- sounds like your having a great time makes me want to go off somewhere warm now. Sitting here at my office window looking at the rain :)xx
Paulie Sadler
hi ju just to let you know dad got his text this morning he cannot e mail you at the moment as his server has gone wrong he is sorting it out love paulie and ian