The pictures are wonderful and I am glad to hear you like sailing and snorkling. It is a great adventure for you both.
Uk will seems very calm when you get back.
I am sure Tina and Kevs are having a great holiday as well.
Much love and Happy Easter
Mum And Kevs
Hi Jue and Chris.
Lovely to read your blog and to see the great pictures. Hope the boat trip was a great success.
We're using a computer in a hotel in Grindelwald and we'll keep in touch by text.
Home on 18th April.
Love from Mum and Kevs xx
I told you that camping was for losers!
Granny Claude
And you thought North CArolina was bad. I want an apology
Love you dear heart
Paul & Sarah
Taylor on a horse - never thought we'd live to see the day that happened! Expensive hobby that mate.
Sounds like you're both having a cracking time - very jealous!
Take Care
Paul and Sarah
Mum And Kevs
Hi Jue and Chris
Lovely to read your latest exploits and to see those great photos.
Keep having fun!
Love Mum and Kevs xx
Granny Claude
What a wonderful time you are having. It is super to keep up with your adventures.
If you go to Hi. You and Chris must try surfing. I know just the man to teach you.
Much love and be safe
Love Granny C
It's ok kissing a dolphin but I noticed you bottled it when it came to Colin the croc! Incidentally Christopher, how come you took the mickey out of my Sydney photos, when you've taken just as many of the bridge and the opera house?
Talk to you soon
Hi Jue, sounds like you two are having so many adventures. I am so pleased you got to see and do all of this. Spring is here now so not quite so cold. Stay safe and have a wonderful time thinking of you both. Love Mandy xxxx
hi , ju and chris its toby here ,are you having the wickedest time of your lives - i hope to go there one day with my brothers and mum and dad ,beacause the pictures look greaaaat ,went to watch england at wembley beat slovakia 4-0 on saturday love toby xxxxxxx
Hi our computor keeps letting us down. All well again .Gad you enjoyed skippy you should be ok with it you had a starter with rabbits and ahare or two.Its nice to see Jack Toby and Acer are sending you messages.Still working with disabled waiting for CRB .Ihave pension sorted and it starts mid April. Lynn is doing 1 or 2extra hours. Granddad is ok but his chest is still painful.Seafood is good for you make its fresh .Take care Dad and Lynn
Hey you two, Hows it going? Sounds like you are having the best time ever. Pics are great wish I was there. The weather here has been freezing windy, rain and sleet so not missing much at all. Our friends Gary and Mel fly out Saturday to Brisbane and Si and Leanne have just returned from Perth. It must be the place to be. Still working on Carl to immigrate for good who knows we do have enough points so there is hope. Love to you both keep safe xxxxxxxx