Compared to getting to the Mal Pais and Montezuma area, getting out was a breeze. First we had to head back to Paquera (via Cobano) by bus and then catch a ferry across to Puntarenas. Sheltered by the headland, the crossing to Puntarenas was glassy calm and the morning sun made for a picture perfect hour. The 4 hour bus from Puntarenas to Monteverde was going to be my time to catch up on sleep, like Liann seems to be able to do at every opportunity. But an hour in and the scenery was just too fantastic to miss. From sea level we climbed 1800m up through the Montevede Cloud Forest, out above the cloud and into the town of Santa Elena, which is actually the main dropping off point for the various activates in the area.
I had done some Zip-lines in Belize but had heard great things about the Extremo Zip Line in Monteverde so that was one day planned. We stayed at Monteverde Backpackers who, like many hostels will organise any activities or tours that you want to do. The operators even run shuttle services right to your door which saves on busses/taxis.
For our first day we arranged a night time Jungle hike to try and spot some of the amazing wild life in the cloud forest. As we walked around we spotted Stick Insects, Praying Mantis, Racoons, and Porcupines (which live in trees apparently) but for me the highlight was spotting a 3 toed sloth up in a tree. I really wanted to see one while I was in Costa Rica but didn't want to see them in captivity so this was perfect. But being the wild it was a little hard to see! Oh and then there was the tarantula! Yup a huge orange kneed tarantula in the wild just sitting in its nest, eating what could have been a small child! No glass, no cage! They freak me out in Chester Zoo, never mind loose! I took my photos and left quickly!
The next morning the shuttle picked us up at around 10.30 and took us about 20 minutes into the jungle to the Extremo site. Extremo Zip line consisted of 15 individual lines, one rappel, a tarzan swing and a 1km superman style zip.
The first few lines were pretty tame, just a way for people to get used to the 'breaking system' aka a gardening glove with a bit of leather stuck to the palm! Then they gradually got steeper and longer. The 500m tandem was pretty fast and the valley dropped away below you revealing a breathtaking view.
Sadly the weather had closed in on us and we were caught in the middle of a thunderstorm. Something tells me that a metal cable strung between two trees or metal pylons, isn't the best place to be when there is lightning around. The organisers agreed, so we had to sit out a couple of the big runs to allow for the storm to pass. Luckily we were still able to do the Tarzan swing! Basically you jump off a tower attached to a climbing rope and swing out over the valley between all the trees and then back and then back out again, you get the idea. The swing was probably more exciting and scary than any of the zips.
The main attraction of Extremo and their biggest selling point was the 1km superman zip line. 1km is huge! You couldn't even see the end of the line. Once you're strapped into your harness they clip you to the line face down with your feet strapped up behind you. Arms back to keep streamlined you travel at 70kph face first over a 140m drop. It was actually more relaxing than adrenaline filled but great fun!
During our 6 days in Monteverde we also visited a Coffee plantation which offered a Coffee/Chocolate and sugar cane tour. I already had an idea about the Chocolate from Belize but it was really interesting to see how something like sugar that I use in one form or another everyday is made. We were out of season for the coffee cherries to be on the trees but they had some set aside to show us every step involved in collecting, drying, shelling and roasting the beans. At the end we made our own Coffee, chocolate and sugar to combine to make some pretty tasty snacks!
One reason we had decided to stay in Monteverde for so long was to be able to meet up with Bondy and Bec. They are the Australian couple that I met in Dangriga in Belize and who later came to Reef CI for my last week. It was great to be able to see them again!
After telling them about the Tarzan swing we all decided to go back to do the 90m Extreme Swing and extreme it was!
This time we were taken out in a cable car over the 140m drop attached to a 90m line and pulled back towards the mountain to put tension on the rope. As they lower you out of the cable car they give you very little time to change your mind before releasing you. The first few seconds of weightlessness felt very strange, then came the feeling off dropping and swinging out at extreme speed out and over the valley. They gave us a camera on our wrists to film our reactions but at $15 we didn't bother to buy them. I managed to secretly film mine before they noticed and told me off. Oops!
Monteverde was starting to become an expensive stop with all these trips but we always knew it would be. We had however been told of something cool that we could do for free!
Up in the hills about a 20 minute walk from our hostel, in the jungle there is an old Strangler Fig tree. Strangler trees grow up around a host tree and eventually take all the light and nurturance, causing the host to die. This strangler has been there so long that the host has now rotted away leaving a latticework of strangler tree with a hollow centre. Like the rib cage of some prehistoric beast this 40m tree stands tall begging to be climbed! It starts off easily wide enough for three of four people inside but as you climb higher the latticework gets closer and it turns to a tight single file squeeze as your approach the top. The feeling of poking out of the top in the jungle canopy with all the wildlife was unbelievable. Looking down from the outside reminds you just how high you have actually climbed. The top was big enough for all four of us to get out and take in the view. Gravity makes the decent a little easier but there were still tight space to contend with, not to mention the bugs! It just goes to show that sometime the best things in life really are free. Pura Vida
We returned to the tree another night but this time after dark to take some photos. We spend over four hours just playing on the tree, drinking rum and taking lots and lots of photos. Hopefully once Bondy and Bec sort them out there will be plenty of awesome shots!
Monteverde was our last real stop in Costa Rica before heading to Alajuela to wait for our flight to Guatemala City and then on to Chicago!
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