John's latest entry
Sydney, New South Wales
For those of you taking note, I have skipped a little bit of New Zealand. You may have noticed that blogging has fallen behind (I'm writing about September in February) so the way I see it is that NZ isn't going to get less fresh in my mind. So I'm now jumping to October and across the Tasmin Sea to our time in Australia. I'll finish New …
Karin What a great blog! I am living on Big Corn at the moment and till now I have visited two times Little Corn. It's funny to read your story about the Island. I will explore even more now!
re: Life on Little CornSudders A great read that powelley! Looks like you're having a wicked trip!!!
re: HawaiiEmma Isn't 1896 the year certain other J Powell built your tool trunk??
re: Grand CanyonAl Stringer Just read all your blogs now in one sitting.. sounds like you are having the time of your life mate. As I type this the rain is pouring down outside and has been for some days now... Very jealous to say the least. Han showed me some of the pics you put up on facebook, I bet it was hard leaving central America, looks so beautiful. Still like you said a return trip in a few years should sort that out. Hope the next part of your journey is as good, will check-in on the blog in a month or two. Have a blast! Al
re: Walking in MemphisMum Great blog and for once I can picture exactly where you are! Shirley and family are excellent hosts and tour guides.
re: The Spirit of St. LouisMum and Dad We have given this last blog a 5 star rating but really this applies to all of them! Sounds like you have fallen for central America big style, but know you will have a great time in the U S A.Give our love to Shirley and family.
re: End of Chapter OneJamie End of a little era johnboy, no more patchy internet connections and fortnightly facetimes, now you have three months of solid interweb wherever you go and i expect hourly updates ;D The central america blog has been amazing this end buddy and i can only imagine how amazing it's been your end! Enjoy the US, it's an incredible place! Facetime me when you get a minute and safe trips!
re: End of Chapter OneEm Uh oh! New water sport obsession alert!!! On the water, in the water, under the water! You'll devolve!! Surf's up bro x
re: Costly Costa RicaSamantha Lego We'll be meeting up in Wales next year mate. My life has been sorely sheep deprived thus far and I intend to change that! Safe travels. x
re: Getting to GranadaHolly Hrynyk Great blog John! Definitely come check out Canada's ski hills. We would love to have you and Liann here! We could play scuba spoons in the freezing cold Canadian ocean haha. Hope you guys are having a great time!
re: Getting to GranadaJamie Same great blogging buddy, but now with added peril and real danger!! This place sounds incredible and getting rum-drunk on a beach in the evening playing cards? My favourite thing to do :D keep us well informed, the blog really is great!
re: Life on Little CornKatie Brooks It was great travelling with you guys! Come visit us in Canada and we'll show you around the best ski hills :) Safe travels!
re: Getting to GranadaMum and Dad Hope this means that you will no longer be frightened of the odd spider in the bath!
re: Getting to GranadaMum and Dad Not sure if its us but have you put the wrong date on this ?You know how easily confused we are!
re: On to HondurasMum and Dad Nice to have a new blog entry.More pictures would be good.Would like to have seen the humming birds and some pictures of both of you.
re: Last week with Reef CI