We found it difficult to imagine during our last few days in France that our holiday was coming to an end. It's sad to think of not shopping for fresh food at wonderful markets, not eating baguette, cheese and drinking wine for lunch, and even not challenging ourselves to speak in French every day.
But it has just insured is to think about the next adventure!
The French even sent us off with one of their famous customs - the French rail strike!
Reflecting back, there are so many hilights but the best one has to be spending 6 weeks together as a family and enjoying so many experiences together. We met so many great people and we treated so very well by our friends and new found family! We hope one day to return the hospitality when they visit.
We tested our kids limits on this trip and we are truly impressed with them.
They were able to
- smash through 14 foot waves sailing in Croatia with a smile
- play with other kids who only speak French
- walk several km's per day taking in the sights
- pack their luggage (most days) without losing too many items
- cycle 35kms/day in 35 degree heat
- and in general be great ambassadors for Canada.
- the best part is that when I ask them about what they liked the most about the trip, they don't mention Euro Disney, they talk about seeing Dolphins off the sailboat.
They made us proud everyday.
The funny thing about trips like this is that instead of scratching off the bucket list of places you want to go visit... You just keep adding to that list!
PS Here's some good reading
This article is so true. My taste buds truly enjoyed travelling in France. Not to mention I had a surprisingly low level of flatulence while travelling despite consuming LOTS of cheese and bread. That has already changed since getting home
Here a great blog about our bike trip from our travelling partner, Tim
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