Maybe some of you out there were starting to wonder when and indeed, if I would return to the UK - well, I have been pretty bewitched by India and let's face it, what with the gloomy economical and political situation in the UK there'd be plenty of reasons to stay away. But unfortunately there is the inconvenient fact that I miss all you folk rather a lot and well, I think it's time I get my self back to the UK and take my share of the murk and misery. Oh, and of course, there is the small matter of running out of money and actually needing to work again. So I've bitten the bullet and am booked on a flight back to the UK. I'M COMING HOME at the end of August!
So what of my plans on returning? The majority of this years' decisions and plans have evolved at the last minute; opportunities have presented themselves and I have just done what instinctively felt right. This approach has been working so well that I now find myself loath to commit to plans any more than a fortnight in advance (how things change)! However I suppose getting a job and having a roof over my head does require some degree of planning ahead. So thus far, my master plan is to live in Sheffield on my return!
Many of you will not be surprised to read that, as a move back up north is something I have been threatening for some time. It is a tough call as there is so much I love about my life in Birmingham - most of all, the wonderful friends I have made there. BUT, I figure if I don't use this opportunity to try out living in Sheffield when am I going to.
I am naturally starting to wonder what it will be like when I get back. I am already getting stupidly excited about seeing you all, and of course meeting my new niece or nephew (who may well arrive this week!). I am also apprehensive; what is it going to be like to go from globe-trotting traveller and lady of leisure, to being 32, unemployed and living with my parents, albeit it temporarily (no reflection on my mum and dad, it's just how it sounds!)? I guess, just like everything else this year, it will be a bit of a challenge and probably a lot of fun into the bargain. But just in case, I have already started the savings account for my next big trip!
Anyway, that is all over two months away and there is a lot more I have to do, see and enjoy here. I have decided to stay in Delhi for the remainder of my time in India. Blimey, if someone had told me when I first came to this city back in September that I would end up living here for almost 9 months, I would have choked on my samosa!
Now I actually developed quite an affection for this crazy, mega-polluted, traffic-logged, over-heated metropolis. Of course it is a lot to do with what I have here. I really enjoy working at Chaya. I love living with my two great friends, Emily from the UK and Gabriela, a Mexican. I get away as often as possible, if for no reason than to escape the frazzling Delhi heat (it's 42 today). In fact I just got back from a weekend to Corbett National Park, where I saw a tiger! It was amazing - never thought myself much of a wildlife enthusiast, but I am telling you the thrill of tracking down a tiger and seeing it in the wild, is enough to turn anyone into a bit of a David Attenborough.
So just a bit of an update on my situation and plans. As I said I am determined to make the most of the rest of what has been an incredible experience, but I am also reeaaallly looking forward to being back in Blighty with you all again! XXX
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