Bits n Bobs
Thought I'd give a quick round-up of what I've been up to recently…
The Chaya Spring Clean
I hate to rub it in, but spring has well and truly come to Delhi. Anyway, I had noticed that Chaya (the boys home where I work) was in dire need of a spruce-up. So my Mum and I decided to use the donations from my grandpa's funeral to fund a cleaning day.
I didn't think this would be an entirely popular decision with the boys, but to my astonishment when I rolled up in the rickshaw with the newly purchased buckets, mops and cloths spilling out of its sides, I was enthusiastically received. I then spent a lesson teaching cleaning-related vocabulary; the pronunciation of 'sponge' caused particular difficulty!
On the day itself I got a phone-call from the boys - they were impatient to start and wanted to know when I would be arriving! I have never known anything like it; these kids never fail to amaze me. I arrived armed with more buckets, and along with the boys and other volunteers, got stuck in. I have rarely seen such gusto as walls were washed down, windows cleaned, sinks scrubbed and floors mopped. The kids loved it - a fight almost broke out over who would get to wear the pink rubber gloves and bleach the toilet!
Afterwards we played games and ordered pizza - the first time a lot of the kids had encountered a pizza delivery guy. Dinner was wolfed down (I was mortified to discover that a few of the kids got mild stomach upsets, as they weren't used to food like this!)It was a fun and productive day. Think my grandpa would have approved.
Return to Rishikesh Last weekend I found myself back in Rishikesh. Last time it was as a solo traveller just finding my feet in India; this time I was accompanied by three new-found friends, celebrating one of their birthdays! I enjoyed getting more closely acquainted with the Ganges - by white-water rafting down it, and then taking a dip….no health repercussions as yet! The Olive Tree convenes in Delhi
Was able to catch up on office gossip and remind myself how much I enjoy not 'working' (as if I needed reminding) when I met up with my former colleague Surinder. She was on a shopping trip in the Punjab to get things for her son's wedding, but we managed to see each other in Delhi before she flew home. So lovely to see a familiar face…thanks for a great evening Surinder!
Visa Run
Some of you may have noticed that I am writng this entry from a new destination? Yep, am back on the road. I'm not sure if I explained that I have decided to stay in India rather than heading on to South East Asia as originally planned? Anyway, my visa expires on the 20th so I am on my way to Nepal to get a new one! Apparently it is a very straightforward process at the Indian embassy in Kathmandu, nonetheless I will be relieved when the visa is safely stamped in my passport!
I am taking an overland route via Lucknow, a city I am really enjoying. I had no idea about Nepal's turbulent and fascinating history - should be an interesting visit. I hope to manage some low-key trekking and also to go to the Royal Chitwan Park for a spot of wildlife watching. Will be back in Delhi at the beginning of March.
I hope you lot are all surviving the British winter…is there still snow? Keep me posted on all your news.
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