Today me and Richard planned to lie in then take a late bus into town about 11am. At 9:30am Lisa was knocking on my door expecting us to go to the bank! She had not mentioned anything before and I was still asleep. I get ready quickly whilst she waited and Rich joined us after about 15 mins.
There was some drama when we tried to leave and Rich realised he'd left his key in his room and was locked out. We had to wait for the police to come and unlock the door!
When we were finally sorted we took the bus into town, and went to sign up for a bank account. It went smoothly except the bank could not cash my travellers cheques.
We caught a taxi to another part of town where we went to china mobile and tried to work out why I can't get texts (we couldn't work it out), and then to the bank of china to see if they could cash my travellers cheques (they could, but not then beause technically it was lunch time).
Lisa then had to go back to the office, so me and Richard went for a walk around town. We wondered around a very expensive department store, then walked back in the direction we thought the taxi had come from and perused some shops. It was really nice to get out into the city. We tried some fried bread looking stuff which turned out to be rice, and tasted like porridge it was pretty yummy!
After our stroll we made it back to the road where we could catch the bus, and after a little bit more exploring we caught the bus back to campus no problem :)
We took it pretty easy this afternoon, grabbed some add water noodles for dinner, and then did some lesson planning. We took a walk to the shop for a break, and went to explore the uni football pitch, which turned out to be a bit of dirt with some goal posts!
I tried to use my washing machine but i'm slightly concerned that it's just filling up with water and draining and not doing a whole lot else...
So now I'm just waiting for it to finish, finalising my lesson plan, and listening to Steve Lamaq :)
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