Berlin! To be completely honest I really wasn't looking forward to Berlin. But after listening to its history I fell in love with the city an it's vibrant culture. On the way into the city we had a brief stop at part of the wall that has been preserved and had artists commissioned to paint parts of it. That night we settled into our motel and then it was back on the bus to a mysterious location. Nick had organized for us to visit the Reichard House which has an observatory where you can get a great view of the city. You take an audio guide and walk up the ramp. As you walk along it tells you to turn left or right and which areas and buildings you are looking at. Despite the rain and unclear night you still got a decent look at the city. The next day we kicked off with a 3 hour walking tour with a guide. They took us to sights such as The Holocaust Museum, Checkpoint Charlie, the place where Hitler's Bunker was, where Hitler's offices were and where he was last seen alive, The Brandenburg Gate and various museums. We heard stories about the wars, Hitler, the Wall and the many of thousands of people that died during these events. After the walk we had some free time where we wander back past some of the monuments to take photos, get our passport stamped and have a chance to reflect on what has happened throughout the years. After hearing the stories it was easy to picture places and the times they occurred as you walked through the streets. It's actually quite a confronting feeling. It was then time to head back to the hotel to get ready for dinner and our Eye Spy Evening. I did think this was going to be a kind of investigating thing but really it was a pub crawl. It was still a nice evening. We started off at the Wall Memorial which is the only bit of the Wall that remains with No Man's land between it. You could see through a small slit in the wall, the watch tower and the path that the guards walked up and down. The guide told us of all the security they had in place to ensure no one could escape over the wall, across No Man's land and across the other wall. After this we headed to the first pub for a free drink. We were then split into two groups. The first group headed off and had to follow the clues to the second pub. Once they worked it out they had to "destroy" the evidence. The second group then had to do the same thing. The second location was really interesting with lots of war memorabilia on the walls. Then eventually we all found our way the final location. I was really disappointed I didn't get to spend more time in Berlin as there was still so much to see. I think the Holocaust Museum and the German History Museum will be first on my list should I ever return!
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