right. so since i last spoke on here. have been to Koh Pha ngan. it was actually quite nice here. werent any full moon parties to go to so prett quiet but we stayed on the full moon beach. was nice. shame that theres a little bit of litter lying around - but what can you expect when 6000 people descend every 28 days for a rave? anyway. obnyl spent 2 days here i think. then came to koh tao - after hearing excellent things about his place - i was excited. but got here and yeah - the resort thing is nice and right on the beach, but the beach is shocking. and also there is only a bout a foot of average sand before it becomes a slimy pool of stagnant water. apparently if you wade past this, it gets nice but there is no way im putting my feet in that. no way. so ended up on kioh tao for three days -and this consisted of me sitting on our porch reading a book. this was good tho - read the time travellers wife in 2 days, was a good read. made me cry. had a thai massage to fill an hour. cost me about 3 pounds - get that expensive spa at home! it was strange coz i was fully clothed and involved this lady squeezing and poking all my muscles. it actually kinda hurt.
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