Hi guys, had a completely mad couple of days, just come from jaipur to agra. change of plan. now we're going varanasi tomorrow night via train as we havent yet experienced that. we've been chauffered around by raj the taxi driver, he 'drove' us from delhi to jaipur and today to agra (site seeing on the way). we're all well and safe and now about to tuck into bananas and jam sandwiches. Seeing the Taj Mahal tomorrow, definitely this time. vikash is a footballer. currently outside a random shop in a busy street, its very surreal.
speak soon hopefully, love u all
p.s we'll try and get photos up soon... laters xxx
pps. can jenny's mum and dad please leave a message to show you are getting these blogs xxx
pps. whats the footy tables like at home? i havent got any info. ash, give me updates! Luvya loads mum and dad xxxx (neil)
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