Day 35 - Vientiane
We arrived at the minivan service station and they had a sign saying they had a room available. We were so tired and couldn't be bothered trying to find somewhere so decided just to stay here. We slept till mid afternoon and then went to explore. Turns out the room is right in the centre of town, and that Vientiane has not much to it. So we had lunch and read the guide books to see what we could do, and we decided to go bowling. The bowling alley was great, it reminded me of the Clydebank bowling 10 years ago. We played 3 games and had a couple of beers while we played. Michael win them all. The bowling alley has a pool hall attached so we went to play for an hour. The final score was 4-3 to me, but I was pretty much kicking ass the whole time. There was a pizza place near by so we decided to go there for dinner and it cost us an absolute fortune! But we got the rest of the pizza in a doggy bag for breakfast in the morning - like true backpackers. We then went to a bar on the riverfront which was really cool. It was on the rooftop and was open plan. They had a couple of pool tables with girls you can play, if they win you pay, and if you win you don't pay. Michael decided to give it a shot and she beat him twice. The girls were pretty good! On the walk home we got a bit lost. A stray dog came running up behind us and I got such a fright, but it just walked along beside us the whole way. When we realised we were going the wrong way we turned back, and so did the dog. We stopped walking to see what he would do and when he realised he stopped and waited for us. At one point another man came walking down the street and the dog was barking at him and acting like he was trying to protect us. We have no idea why, but this dog just decided he loved us! When we found our hotel it was really sad we had to run inside and leave the dog behind.
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