Six weeks in one country, followed by three countries in just four days! A quick one night stop over in Lima, Peru, followed by a couple of days in Santiago, Chile, then back into Argentina for the two week journey north to Jujuy, where we're due to work on an organic farm.
The second spell of travel in Argentina started in Mendoza, where once again we sampled all that the region is famous for…huge slabs of meat and copious amounts of red wine!As it's now Autumn in Argentina, the temperature had dropped considerably since the last time we were here, but that didn't prevent us from visiting numerous bodegas and wolfing down one the most breathtaking tables of food either of us has seen. Around fifty dishes including a multitude of cheese, meat, bread, preserves, pickles, etc, etc…and of course all washed down with delicious red wine that kept on flowing until we were literally forced out of the door!
From Mendoza we took the journey up to Cafayate, another wine producing region that lies in the harsh, dry region of Salta.Our days here were predictably spent wine tasting at the various local bodegas, visiting the nearby mountains and rock formations which were breathtaking, walking to various view points around the town and sampling delicious goats cheese produced by a local farm.Here I also endured my first bit of physical exercise in six months, a hostel Gringos v Argies 5-a-side game. Despite the score being 12-10 to us at one point of the game, the final score ended 11-11 after some interesting scoring methods were adopted by our Argie chums!
From Cafayate we took the Ruta-40 up to Cachi, despite our best efforts in hitch-hiking (Rachel skipping out into the road to stop any passing male driver!) we gave up after 2 hours and paid the local taxi driver the £20 fare for the 90km journey, hitching obviously isn't for us!
Cachi is a beautiful colonial town albeit with very little to do except relax, enjoy a few drinks on the plaza and walk to some of the nearby view points.Seeing as we plan to spend a month on the farm we decided to splash out for a couple of nights in a 'Boutique Hotel'; comfortable bed, amazing shower, clean towels and most of all having a couple of days rest from repeating our 'travel story' for the 100th time to other travellers, which invariably happens at any hostel!
We've covered pretty much all of the infamous Ruta-40, from all the way down in Southern Patagonia through to El Bolson, Bariloche, Mendoza and now on to Salta. The road (and in a lot of parts dirt track) covers a total of 5224 kms and I think we've travelled all bar 300 kms. Who knows how Che Guevara managed to travel this on his trusty but rusty motorbike, "The Mighty One"!
Due to our impending work on the farm and the full vegetarian diet it entails, we used Salta as a base to gorge on as much red meat as possible before the final journey onto Jujuy…Rachel ate two huge steaks in the space of six hours and had to sleep for twelve hours to digest them!
We've now been on the road for 7 months, changing location pretty much every few days and we've started to become travel weary. We're really looking forward to the farm experience to give us the opportunity not only to learn new things, but to adopt a routine and relax in the same place for a good period of time.We're hoping this will give us the chance to recharge our batteries and enjoy the last month of travelling before the reality of working in Australia hits home!
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