My Mum was so proud of me for coming LAST in the dreissng up race at school (I was 7) because instead of just throwing on the different items at each stop, I put them on carefully, arranging each belt, tie, hat etc to compliment the trousers and blouses that I'd put on at the start! I sashayed in ten minutes after everyone else but perfectly accessorized and rockin' a look I would probably call Hobo-Chic :-) love Ree xPS What's your Ree short for? Mine's Marie x
Here's the deal. There are aliens (way) out there, but they prbaboly don't know about us. If they did, they would care, because of Earth's perfect conditions for life, and our sentiency. You could kill one with a shotgun, but it there's a planet full of them so you wouldn't want to. Nobody can know for sure whether or not alien sightings are true, but all things considered is it really reasonable to just assume that the explanation is that advanced aliens actually abduct people from the south?
I think people have been doing crap with babeis that are way more involved/intense/worse/etc. then packing up and moving to an outdated house in the burbs. So yeah. I think it's fine. I think she's stupid if she gets a house that's been stripped to the studs. Or she gets a house that's falling down. Or she gets a house that she wants to/needs to change around plumbing, update electrical/change roof/fix a s*** foundation (AKA major money sucks. But moving to an old home, that they can afford on Kenny's salary, with a baby? Yeah, I think that's fine. But that's just me. I'm kind of tired of women now thinking they can't do anything within a year of having a baby, or without ALL the gadgets, and whatnot. Yeah, it's going to be tough as hell. But she's basically a stay at home blog mommy. Anyone with a modicum of smarts can do this. Slap that kid in a sling and DO s***. Now whether you think they will make these smart choices (buying an actual affordable home. Buying one that isn't a total disaster from the start ) is another question. Jordan isn't exactly Einstein. We know this. But the concept that one shouldn't move/buy a home/whatever with a baby is ridiculous.
Thanks so much for the birthday wieshs dear sister in Christ (and the slap in the face on my pity party... a;lsdka;sdlkjf). Oh, and you read my post wrong... my hubby was gone last year... he's here today, and my sweet sister-in-law is having the kids spend the night (I have to pick up the one year old), so please pray that the others will be fine (4.G.5 had a hard time last time she stayed over... daddy's girl). Thanks again sweetie!Blessings,Amy
a0Every one will be deeply tuchoed by my son\'s deep love to his Mum, so do I. In China, it\'s not popular to express personal feelings to each other in a family, except between dating girl and boy. We experienced our true love by gradually to understand each other and knowing that to love his/her child does not mean to force him/her to follow the parents wills, but try to communicate more to see where is the best solution.Love sometimes shows its selfish, but more sharing and giving can go as long as we enjoy it.Your Mum is the happiest one in the world to have such a good son, like you! May you make a good progress, to be God\'s good son.
Annie And Chris And Grandma
Happy 30th Birthday James. hope u have a great day.
India sounds fantastic! We hope to go in few years, really want to do the hill railways.
Looking forward to Em and Joe's Housewarming. Shame you will not be back.
Enjoy the last few weeks of your experience.
Annie and Chris
Mum & Dad Markham
Hello James - Happy 30th Birthday to you. Have a fantastic day, so sorry we can't be with you but we hope you are not missing your family and us too much. We will help you to celebrate this special day when you come home.
All the very best of wishes for a happy and a healthy future.
The champagne is already on ice - Cheers for now. xxxx
Anthony & Elise
Hey Guys,
Just wanted to say thank you for celebrating my 31st birthday with us ast night! So glad we bumped into you guys! Lots of fun!
Look forward to seeing you again somewhere maybe her in Vietnam, maybe India....but definitely in your home town!!!
Stay safe, enjoy your travels and experiences!
Love Anthony & Elise
Mum & Dad Markham
Hi! Rachel & James,
We have just read your updated blog and loved it. So pleased you mentioned your interpretation of the engagement proposal. We just want you both to know if we had a choice ourselves we would have chosen James Harris as the person for you. A bit cheesey we know but we are so pleaserd for you both and we know James is a lucky man to have met you!!!! Love as always. xxxx
Dawn, Jackie And Jack
Hiyah James and Rachel
Uncle Jack, Jacqueline and ourselves have just been looking at your recent photos and videos,we absolutely loved them!
God we miss you?....When you comin home ? Uncle Jack had to get up because he got a little bit upset we think but he sends you both all his love and he says HI AND GOODBYE OVER THERE.. We are all at our house tonight (dawns house) for Leah Dee's 5th bday. Its actually on Wednesday but we thought today was the perfect day to go bowling then we came back to ours for a chinese and it was SCRUMPTIOUS! MMM
Hope you enjoy the rest of your travelling and can't wait to see you when you get back! Love from all of us cause were all here...Love Dawn, Rick,Livvi,Hollie,Uncle Jack,Jacqueline, Derek and Little Leah Dee on her 5th bday! xxxxxxxxxxx
PS: Leah Dee wanted to add: "Hi Rachel,missin you loads and lovveee youuu !!"xxxxxxx
Mum & Dad Markham
To a wonderful daughter.
Happy 30th Birthday. So sorry we can't be with you on this special day.
You should now be having a fantastic birthday surprise with the love of your life - James. We wish you every happiness now and in the future. Love you lots & lots. xxxxx
Hi there both,
Firstly a Happy Birthday to you James, it would seem I've missed it. Just sitting down on a Saturday afternoon adn was thinking about you guys. I must say, your adventures are making me quite jealous from back here in London. So happy you're both having an ace time still. Rach - I do miss you though hon. You really are havinh a trip of a lifetime! Lots of love, we're in Thailand in November. Any chance you might be going there in case our paths could cross?