We were picked up by Killian our full time assigned driver for our visit. He had a table set out with coffee, tea and cookies under a shade tree at the air strip. We climb in his Land Rover for an hour and half drive to the crater. The landscaped changed from the lush Rwanda to an arid California type with brown grass and sparse, small trees. The Ngorongoro Crater is a Tanzania National Park and Conversation area. The crater was formed by the collapse of the top portion of a volcano collapsed over 3 million years ago leaving a almost vertical depression with sides of roughly 1500 feet. The area was inhabited by huminids for about 3 million years ago also. The crater bottom is an excellent self sustaining eco system with plenty of vegetation and water. Many species of animals (elephants, water buffaloes, lions, wildebeests, flamingoes, wart hogs, gazels, etc.) have wandered into the crater and have decided to stay it is such a nice place to live. No humans are allowed to live the basin anymore. Land Rovers carried humans down very steep, bumpy, dirt roads to ride on more bumpy dirt roads to see the animals. The major impression is how serene the place is . Lots of open space with almost complete silence with the crater edge creating a mountain landscape for 360 degrees. We were able to see all the animals above plus others and only missed the rhinoceros.
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