Dear Leslie, Paul, Will, Pat, Anuar, Amy, Raj, Claire, Emma, Carlos, Victor, Clare and Chris (CAD)
Thank you for buying us a visit to Prawn World, a theme park based around the fun and joy of catching prawns. Personally, I quite like prawns but usually in a sandwich from Tescos. I have no desire to see them before they end up as a cocktail. Donna, being a vegetarian, has even less desire to go and hang out with prawns. Therefore, you will be pleased to know that we haven't wasted the time, effort or money by actually going to Prawn World. Instead, since we have arrived in Napier, we have been making a valiant (but so far unsuccessful) effort find something equally rubbish to do.
Napier is considered the Art Deco capital of the world (or maybe the southern hemisphere, I can't remember). This was because there was a big earthquake here in 1931 which destroyed the whole town which meant that it all had to be rebuilt really quickly in the style that was popular at the time. All these interesting looking buildings combined with the most sunshine in the whole of New Zealand makes Napier a popular tourist destination. However, there is only so much looking at old buildings you can do before you need something really naff to do instead.
For example, yesterday we were meant to go and visit the Tea museum. Yes, they have a whole museum here dedicated to tea, tea cosies, tea cups and anything else related to tea. I thought it sounded rubbish, Donna however thought she would be more than happy looking at tea stuff. Unfortunately, the weather was so nice so we decided to sit on the seafront, having an ice cream and play a second round of Crazy Golf instead. Our growing addiction to Crazy Golf has reached new levels here where there are two courses, either the green or the blue and we felt the need to play all 36 holes of both courses to find out which we preferred.
If we have gained nothing else from our honeymoon (and I am pretty sure we haven't) at least we can both look to our improved Crazy Golf ability with pride.
We then spent the evening at a pub quizz, which might sound like fun, but when your team consists of a married couple, one of whom swears blind that she is absolutely rubbish and cannot answer anything, it should surely have ended in disaster.
However, having to answer several rounds on Australia and Donna's refusal to let me use the phone in the toilet to look up the fourth member of the Young Ones, we still managed to finish an impressive third! Before you ask, there were eight teams in total.
Which meant we actually won a prize! Admittedly the five pound bar tab we won didn't really cover the cost of the celebratory wine we each had nor the microwaved macaroni and cheese which was the only bar snack they had available at that time. We could still go home with that warm glow in our hearts that you only get from correctly guessing in what year Halley's Comet was last seen from Earth.
We were determined to make up for not doing anything rubbish the next day by definitely going to the prison museum. Yes an exciting day out at a prison. Even the flyer bore the tagline: No one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails...
But first things first, we needed to go on a Supertrike. This is like a massive motorbike with three wheels but even bigger so that it can carry four passenger seats in the back. It was supposedly meant to be a tour of Napier; the Art Deco capital of New Zealand but the jolly Englishman who ran the tour was far more interested in driving us really fast then passing on useful titbits about old buildings. This suited us fine because the driving fast bit was the best part of the tour. We have now added owning a Supertrike business to the list of things we are going to quit our jobs for when we are back home.
Unfortunately, after that we had had far too much excitement for one day so decided to skip the prison museum. Instead, we remembered that you guys had also bought us a trip to the Napier hot springs so we spent a very enjoyable afternoon sunbathing, topping up the tan which has suffered a bit since being here and occasionally venturing into the bath temperature swimming pool. In our defence for not going to the prison museum, Donna has just started a good book and I have very little interest in New Zealand prison life.
The quest to find something rubbish to do continues…
Love Jim and Donna
The fourth member of the Young Ones was in fact Mike while Halley's Comet was last seen from Earth in 1986.
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