So i figure as i've been back for over 3 months now I should really complete my blog.. finally!
Think i left off on the slowest day of my life.. waiting for several thousand hours in Brisbane, hungover, trying to do all my souvenir shopping from 4 months in one day! I did manage to get some pretty good stuff for the parental unit etc, spoke to grant in cairns and moore in alice springs on the net (sob) and plodded back to the airport about 5o clock.. where i then slept on the sofas for a few hours - classy!
When i arrived in Thailand it was about 7am and i shared a taxi to the centre of Bangkok with two girls from Holland. Peat had given me the address of where he & his mates were staying and somehow (!) i managed to get there ok.. they were up outside having brekkie when i arrived and it was wicked seeing him there - and also felt really random!!!! the hostel they were staying in cost something ridiculous like one pound 50 for a night.
Since the amount of research i'd done on Thailand equalled the impressive amount of..... zero- i was completely in their hands for the "one night in bangkok, one night in bangkok waaa".. despite it being AMAZINGLY HOT - i had to go out in trousers so would be allowed in the temples ahh. We first of all went for a little stroll then found a temple that had "the worlds largest reclining buddha".. i got the impression every buddha in Thai had been given a title "tallest buddha, buddha made from the most gold, oldest buddha, the only buddha to be standing on one leg while rubbing his belly and tapping his head..."
It was a good day out - we covered a lot of ground and felt like i'd seen a lot for only one day on no sleep! We also caught one of their water boat taxis to get about in.. after much faffing about with noone really knowing which ones we were allowed on, wether they were going up/down stream etc! The traffics also crazy and we stumbled across millions of markets which were very hectic. Overall impression of Bangkok was very messy loud and unorganised.. if i were to come back to thailand i dont think long would be needed here and much of the appeal for visiting would be for outside of the city. It is interesting to see their different culture etc but after having fallen in love with south america - anywhere but there didnt stand much of a chance!
In the afternoon, me and Peat went to a market on quite a busy street im sure is famous but wouldnt have a clue what its name was. I got marty a dress from there which on my return she claimed to like but im not sure any item of clothes has ever been bought for her that she approves of so that mightve been a porky! ANyway we finished up there and then went back to their hostel room. I fell asleep to Peat and Collis learning to juggle and woke up HOURS Later to find the boys had left to start drinking! i hadnt meant to sleep that long at all but not sure what was going on with the old body clock! anyway i went to find them and we predrank a bit before going out.
We had a really good night out - stumbling across an old bloke from the Midlands who had been in Bangkok for weeks - so he showed us some good places to go.. the first one with a band playing ac/dc and other such rock tunes, who were really really good!!!! and the second with another live band on that was full of thai people, looked a bit studenty, brill place with everyone up and dancing etc! im not sure what time we got back to the hostel, middle of the night (lost track of anything time related by now with all the zone changes and just living off random kips...) i know i had to head around 8 o clock to the airport.
Peat waved me off and he wouldnt be back for at least another 4 - 5 months noo!! Unfortunately, bad planning on my part had forgotten about their amazing traffic and also that it was rush hour!!!! so i was panicking all the way there.. what shouldve been a 40min journey went on foreverrrr and i really thought i was going to miss the plane. we were moving 5 metres every 10 mins! anyway i got to the airport before the flight left - no way 2 hours before though argh - and literally went straight onto boarding. it was very almost a major cockup at the last hurdle after everything else on the trip had gone so right!
On the way back i was out for the duration!! i almost skipped food but think i managed to stay awake for 10mins to eat something then was back out! the people on the plane and crew were definitely laughing at me haha i literally could not keep my eyes open and luckily had the 2 window seats to myself by the window so actually made a bed for myself lying across them and then pulled the blanket over my head for the entire time lol. I did have to make a change in Bahrain (still not entirely sure where this is?! but i intend on adding it to my list of countries visited lol).. then it was the last flight and HOMEWARD BOUND woooo i did do a count of how many plane journies id done that trip and it definitely totalled over 15!
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