word up!
im writing this from Rio but need to play catch up on Paraty and Ilha grande first!
I really can´t remember that much of Paraty, (not cause of alcohol all u doubters!), just there wasnt anything too mega there. we went to the beach in the day quite early on and got all our stuff soaked cause noone noticed the tide coming in oops and then at night it was Carlijn´s birthday (a girl from Holland who we have been travelling with). we went to a nice restaurant for this but Paraty is quite small so there werent really any places to go out afterwards...
The next day we got up to get a 6ish hour boat journey to ilha grande,, this sounds like a long time but we made stops off along the way to jump in the sea and there was a roof we could chillax on so it was a goooooood day. ilha grande is an island thats really beautiful and peaceful.. hardly any shops, no cash machines.. just THE BEST CREPE STALL IN THE WORLD. we were suppossed to meet for a group meal the first night but this went pear shaped when we saw the crepes so we skanked everyone off to stuff our face on those mmmmmmmmm.. then bought some vodka and got a bit tipsy for completely no reason cause there was nowhere to go other than the ice cream shop!
the next day we spent all day at a beach thats supposed to be brazils best one (il confirm this when we´ve completed brazil).. but it is pretty fit! the waves were class to swim in and im pleased to report my tan is still non existant! later on me and grant watched city of god with jorge and hose cause its amazing and grant hadnt seen it.. she loved it and it geared us up for Rio the next day woo. was weird wacthing it with south americans! ze was listening to it, we were reading the subtitles and jorge didnt have a bloody clue what he was doing cause hes spanish haha
nd now its time for rio!!!!!!!!!!!! woooooooooo
ps. the picture of iguasu falls is cause the internet makes you chose one and i havent loaded up my own pics yet, tho i am obsessed with that too haha. might do next blog now, who knowsssssss, the suspense... (yeah right!)
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