Hi there everybody!
Areyou ready??? Yes it has got hot, yes we have got our tans back and yes we are going to brag!!!
So you all pretty much know what our plans were for the last 2 weeks so we wont bore you with all the details...just our highlights!
So Carins and Cape Trib was awesome if a little sweaty!!!we stopped off at an animal park and fed kangeroos then onto Mossman Gorge where we took a refreshing dip, then after lunch we did a Daintree River cruise where we got up close and personal with wild crocs!!!!they were just chilling at the rivers edge!we Spent the night in the beach house hostel on cape trib beach alongside A LOT of VERY BIG SPIDERS!we met a really nice english couple and a guy called dave and spent the evening playing drinking games as there was literlly nothing else to do! Next day we walked along to the lookout and then in the afternoon took the bus back to Cairns before stopping at the lagoon with our new friends for a BBQ. Next day we went up to Kuranda, again stopping at an animal park place and learning to throw a boomerang and dance aboriginal style! We took the skyrail back and got some amazing views over Cairns and the rainforest!
After a bus and a ferry ride we arrived in MAgnetic Island the next day to find we had been double booked and after some negotiating we were upgraded to a 'luxary' double room! we spent our only full day on the island by the pool working on our tan, very relaxing and what we needed.that night we played more drinking games with people we met in the bar and karen learnt the hard way not to mix goon with jaiger....
Whitsundays was next, we took a day trip from Airlie beach out around the islands, its started off sunny but didnt last long and by the end of the day found ourselves sat on the boom net in the pouring rain and strong winds...but no fear the free wine kept the smiles on our faces!!!
We took an overnight bus to Rainbow beach and from there went to Fraser island which a group of strangers, all of whom were pretty cool except for one scouse guy who was a ****!!!It was Jess' 3rd time on the island but she was just as excited as Karen and we had a lot of fun hanging out at the lakes and cruising around in the 4x4!
Instead of going to Noosa we ended up in Maroochydore. WE had planned a quiet night before a day at Australia zoo but it turned out some old friends were in town...we rolled in at 3.30am!we made it to the zoo and caught up with a couple of guys from Fraser island and headed straight for the crocoseum! we had a great day at the zoo and finally had a quiet one that night! After a few hours at the beach we took the bus to Brisbane and are now staying with a very pregnant Jodie and Jamie!!!congrats guys and thanks for having us!
We head down to the gold coast tomorrow for one night only and then Byron bay for 3 nigth before another overnight bus to Sydney! We have a few days there, then Jess has a wedding to go to and then onto Perth for our last week out here! WE fly to singapore on 20th April.
For those of you who are facebook friends, you can check out our pics there!
Hope its not to cold and wet there, the sun is shining here today!
Take care lots of love jess and karen xxx
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