As most of you will probably know by now, im flying home tommorow! After having a total nightmare with virgin atlantic iv bought a new ticket home.
I stayed in Phi Phi for 6 days, mostly just chilled out on the beach during the day going to beach partys at night. Tom and i attempted to walk to the 'lookout' but went the wrong way de…
As most of you will probably know by now, im flying home tommorow! After having a total nightmare with virgin atlantic iv bought a new ticket home.
I stayed in Phi Phi for 6 days, mostly…
Hey everyone,
Im currently in Koh Phi Phi,an island off the west coast of Thailand.
On my last day in Sappa, Katy and i spent the day with one of the village girls, instead of going on an org…
Xin Chow!
Hey everyone, hope your all well. As most of you will probably know by now, Jess went home the day after we wrote our last blog. I have carried on into Vietnam, travelling with Katy.…
Hey there,
Sorry its been so long since we last updated our blog...we hope your sitting comfortably because this could be a long one!!!
So we flew to Chiang Mai and found the same lovely gues…
Sa wa dee ka
Thats right people...we are in Thailand! But first we will just give the low down on our last few weeks in Oz!
After Brisbane we headed down the Gold Coast, Karen spent the nig…
Glad to hear you are safely in Thailand, have a great time there. Take care, lots of love mom and dad xxx
mom and dad Sword
Hi Girls,
Hope you have a great Christmas and a brilliant new year. We will miss you Karen and will be thinking of you both. Lots of love xxxx
Lizzie and Charlie!!
Hi both, Wow sounds like your having such a great adventure! Charlie is trying to help me write this message to!! Loving the updatesxx
I can't believe you found somewhere to live and jobs so quickly. You make it sound so easy! It all sounds great (except the ensuite public loos) so enjoy your new home and jobs and let us know if you have a spare bedroom for visitors. love xx
jackie-stamford green
jess, loving the updates.everyones so jealous-not of you-of me working a computer!!!seriously tho,have fun & take care,see you iwhen you get back-ill have the kettle on!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I've just mamged to catch up with your travels after my internet being out of action for a while- now doing this at mom and dads. your trip sounds fab- i so want to visit the lake you were on about- it sounds good for swim. Glad to hear your enjoying life (except scary night with torch and i pod...). Take care.
lisa x
nan andrews
Hi Jess
Lovely to know everything going well. Mum here with me send this message to you on my new laptop. Had lovely day. Now mum trying to teach me how to send you message. Thank you for your phone call lovely to hear your voice. Lots of love & hugs Nan xxxxxx
mom and dad Sword
Hi girls, Fiji sounded fabulous, very dissapointed we we not invited to your " wedding " Karen, hope the chief isnt expecting any dowry!!! Glad you were allowed into New Zealand !!! Have a great time with the camper van, take care, drive safely Jess, hope Karen is good at map reading ! All our love xxxx
Ma'n'Pa Dore
Hi girls. Back from our hols now and just read your news. Glad you enjoyed US. From Jess' text sounds like Fiji is wonderful - enjoy the rest of your time in paradise! . Hope you have a good flight to New Zealand and look forward to reading your next blog. With love and take care. xxxxxx
mom and dad Sword
Hi girls, great to hear all your news and that you are having such a brilliant time. Will be thinking of you chilling out on the beaches of Fiji,enjoy the rest before you attack New Zealand!! Take care of each other, all our love xxxx
Hey jess, well what do you think Nans not doing to bad is she, very trendy and up with the times. Well i had a lovely time in Paris, managed to see loads and didn't buy anything apart from food and wine. Took loads of phots, well not as many as you and karen well talk to you soon love you and miss you loads xxx
Nan Andrews
hi jess great to hear from you & to know you are having such a wonderful time together. try to be good & take care of each other. vicky is staying with me for one night so giving me my first lesson on the laptop, will i every learn? nan & vicky.
karly timbers
hi jess & karen, looks like you girls are enjoying yourselfs. I loved reading your blogs its fun to find out what you guys are up to!!! Jess, the kids liked your photos they miss you already. Well live it up like I know you will have a drink on me. Safe traveling, look foward to reading more very soon x x x lots of iove, Karly, Grim, Elliot & Georgie x
Hey ladies glad you're having fun but i'm so jealous, its rubbish in grey little england! its now my mission to save up every penny to come and see you somewhere on your big trip so watch out! he he! well i finally got a laptop and broadband AND i'm on facebook! are you proud? so i have no excuse not to keep in touch anyway i'm at work so should really go and do something useful, win big at the casino! loads love roo xxx