Day 1 - Sydney via Canberra to Jindabyne
got picked up at 6.45 and were on the road by 7am. we stopped for breakfast (i couldnt find anything to chocolate it was) then made our way to Canberra. Passed a lot of dead Kangaroo's.
While at a lookout in Canberra I managed to delete ALL my pictures - all the ones i've taken since i've been in Australia. what an idiot! had to go spend a lot of money recovering them, but it was worth it.
We drove around to all the embassy's, had lunch, and then went to the National Museum of Australia, (for half an hour) and then onto Parliment house for half an hour (whistle stop tour)
After Canberra we drove on to Jindabyne where we went to get our ski equipment sorted for the next day. Stayed at Snowy Valley Hotel where there was a hot tub. Thought it would be a good idea to go in it. it was -5 outside and the "hot" tub was about the same temperature! FREEZING. Very early night!
Day 2 - Skiing at Thredbo - Via Snowy River - to Lake Entrance
went skiing, had an hour before our lesson, i thought i would have a go. put my ski's on and just as i got the last one on i started going down a hill...had to work out how to stop, and i didnt fall over.
lesson was good, got the hang of it quite quickly (bar an embarassing start - went back too far and fell down a hill! GUTTED) couple of people in our group weren't very good so it meant we couldnt move up to a steeper incline.
drove through the Alpine National Park, where we crossed the border into Victoria. stopped at the oldest school in Australia.
Got to Lake Entrance, where we had dinner and an early night.
Day 3 - Lake Entrance - Via Wilsons Prom National Park - to Melbourne.
Drove to Wilsons Promontory NP where we saw the damage of the bush fires, the regrowth it really good at the minute. climbed Mt Hamburger and stood at the top...very windy! had lunch on the beach (after doing a coastal walk) and then back into the bus
Drove to the air strip where we saw LOADS of kangroo's, you could go up really close to them if you were quiet enough!
After leaving the park we were on our way to Melbourne. arrived at 6pm and had a pretty early night.
Changed my plans so i had a week in Melbourne. will do that in another blog.
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