the group dinner was good :) quite cheap too. there was a pub crawl in the evening! it was really fun and got quite a lot of free drinks.
ended up going to a gay bar with a couple of people, and then down to a 24 hour pub. it was rubbish! in the whole of sydney (bar this one pub) u arent allowed in after 2am, so we were pretty stuck.
ended up walking back at about 3.30 and got lost!! got back to the hostel evenutally, and sat chatting for a bit. went to bed bout 4.30 and slept till 12.30! this is the life!
i didnt have anything to do until 4pm so i watched saving private ryan with a couple of other people. then chatted to Dave about some tours i would like to book up.
i have decided on a package they offer. its a 6 month hop on-hop off greyhound bus down the east coast. 3day/2nights on fraiser island, 2days/2days sailing on the whitsundays and then an extra 4 nights accommodations.
this will get me to brisbane and then i can continue down the east coast before the 6 months is up!
i then went for dinner with a family i have been in contact with. they live in Watsons Bay (the really nice/posh one i spoke about during the harbour cruise) i had a wonderful shower and some yummy food and kept their grandchildren entertained! it was really good but started to feel pretty grotty towards the end.
the whole of the hostel have a cold/flu type thing and i've caught it!
today we went surfing, i got told i shouldn't go but i wanted to get out and ignore the illness. if i sit and wallow in my own self pity i will just feel worse!
it was great fun. i wasnt allowed to wear my glasses, so blind surfing is quite interesting.
the first time we went out a wave crashed on top of us. it was a lot of hard work but i nearly managed to stand up!!
we were surfing at palm beach where home and away is filmed. its beautiful.
havent been able to upload pictures on to here as it goes funny.
i am in chinatown at the minute with rachel (girl i went surfing with) we are going to find some really nice thai food - hopefully
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