Hello all
so i slept for 12 hours last night :) woo! i hope i've beat the jet lag!
I thought i would try and do something today that didnt cost too much money. it the hostel i am staying at you got given an information pack and they had a section on what to do if your skint
I went to The Rocks, as there was an Arts and Crafts Market on. When i got there (all walking - I will get fit!) I saw a man playing the Digaredoo which was really cool, and I had breakfast/lunch. I can only seem to eat a couple of things in the places i am finding and all day breakfast seems to be the cheapest, so thats what is was!
Looked around the market, and brought some green tea however i can't find an strainer thingy so thats a load of good. I am trying to be healthy.
New country, new start and all that jazz. (i did buy a chocolate bar at the market, but it was hand made and yummyy!)
After looking round the market, the booklet had said about the Sydney Harbour Bridge's Pylon Lookout, which was $9.50 and the views were the same as if i did the Bridge climb which I can't afford - things are a lot more expensive than i thought!
I climbed all 200 steps and it was really cool. on the way up you got some history of the bridge (which if i went to a museum in England i wouldn't have studied but things seem more interesting out here - i think i might be becoming slightly cultured!!)
Also it was good to stop and catch your breath, as i am not very fit at the moment.
I will upload pictures soon.
On the walk home i stopped at the apple shop in the hope to find people online but realised it was only 7.30am on a Sunday. I didnt seem to notice but when i was in the apple shop it started to rain really heavily!!
my first experience at ozzie down pours!
Went shopping for dinner (chicken salad with avacado - healthy) and a bar of toblerone! if it was easy to find gluten free food i would resort to chocolate - promise!
At dinner I chatted to a couple of Girls for switzerland :) that was cool, we compared notes on places and gave each other some ideas of places to go. After that I packed my bags, as i am moving hostels tomorrow and starting my orientation.
Looking forward to that, because i was stuggling to think of things to keep me entertained during the day that didn't cost too much money!
Well this was a long post!
byee xxx
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