Hey! I haven't written in this in soooo long. I'm going to like, fail my blog. I am getting really sad to leave! This week has been really fun. Last weekend I went on a field trip to Spoleto. We toured some churches from like the year 400 and took a walking tour of the city and this cool cemetary with aboveground tombs that looked like tiny ornate churches and buildings. We went up to the fort and walked around and saw the countryside and this huge bridge, it was really gorgeous, and then at lunchtime I skipped lunch and walked around and talked to Italian people, it was great. Then afterward, me and four girls were at the bus station and we were like, let's just go to Assisi, so we went, and saw the Church of St. Francis, which is the most ridiculous church I have EVER seen. Which is funny because St. Francis' whole point was that he wanted the church to be more humble, then they build him this ridiculous palace church thing. I mean....whatever. Anyway we stayed for like two hours, ran around, laughed at everything (the girls I went with are hilariousss) and then left.Then I sat down for like two days and wrote 20 pages of papers and did research and did two group projects and some embarrassing presentations. I DON'T want to talk about it I'm ALL DONE! I had my last class yesterday. This whole week has been absolutely ridiculous. We went to a photography show on Tuesday - it was all the kids in the photo class displaying their work from the semester, and some pictures were really good, and they had free food and wine. Then the next night, they had a creative writing class reading and then the next night the school talent show. This whole class sang Christmas carols in Italian, but because everyone was nervous and the show was held in a bar, they whole class ended up drunk by the time they got up there, and they sang off-key and horribly and they were dancing and one kid fell off the stage. It was pretty much the greatest thing I've ever seen. Last night was my roommate's birthday, it was awesome. We had a great cake made of like, chocolate mousse or something. I am trying to save money but I don't want to just sit around so, when everyone goes out, I have been just sneaking into bars without buying drinks. It works, and even though my roommate makes fun of me for being lame this week has been hilariously fun.So my roommate did laundry and she washed her comforter, the ones that came with the apartment and we all use, the ones with the creepy little angels on them. They are sort of this off-white color. But apparently they are supposed to be white, because when she washed it, the water that came out from the machine (our washing machine empties out into our bathtub - I don't know, I don't get it either) was dark, dark brown like dirt, and it KEPT COMING OUT that color for about 15 minutes. I have never been so grossed out in my entire life. I can't believe I have been sleeping with two blankets that are that dirty on top of me for FOUR MONTHS. Now I have to wash them even though I only have a week left and they probably will not even dry in a week. I am also going to wash all of my clothes, because they are starting to get little holes in them…like there are moths or something in my closet…ewww. So we are leaving here a week from tomorrow. Well, if we're lucky. After the fiasco of buying the train tickets, which took four hours and involved Jess going all the way to Florence to buy them and convincing the school to let us stay in our apartment an extra few hours, surprise! TRAIN STRIKE! Obviously, the one day we decided to take a train. Obviously. I told my roommate, welcome to traveling with me. This is how things work. So now we are not really sure what to do. Strikes are supposed to be announced at least a month ahead of time, and usually have about a month between them, and one was already announced for December 14, so I thought we were good. But apparently, in the true Christmas spirit, the Italian train workers decided to screw over everyone in the country one last time before the year was over. Something about their contracts. You know what, train workers? You should be happy you even have a job. Because I don't. And now, my $30 a day that I have for Paris, which is sad enough, is probably about to become even sadder. Oh well, what can you do. Hopefully the train will still run since it's international - then we'll just have to hope there's a bus that goes to Florence and eat the money we spent on that train ticket. If not, ummm, we may be sitting in the train station for a night. We'll see. We are still soooooo excited to go, I'm sure we can figure it out even though it appears that God REALLY does not want me to go to Paris.Anyway, I think that's it. One week left…weird.
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