I escaped back to London once more. I loved Paris, but the thought of London made me quite overwhelmingly happy, and it was a slight relief after the coldness of the Parisian family, to be on my own once more. I wasnt alone for long though, as Tony and Caroline were too nice to me again, not only letting me stay, but inviting me to Carolines family's place for Christmas with them. It was nice to be cosy again. Monday evening, after a very long bus ride I'm sitting watching snow fall over the Thames, covering the houseboats along the edge in a wintery blanket, a cup of tea in hand to warm my frozen fingers. Lights are tangled in the balcony railings and baubles hang from a perfect tree with its neatly wrapped presents underneath. Everything is cold and clear and still. The few days after I got there I made good use of my Oyster card, tripping off to see Westminster Abbey, the London Eye, Harrods and more. On Christmas eve, after stocking up on delicious things at the Burrough Markets, we drove to a little town about an hour and a half out of London for Christmas with Caroline's family. There was lovely food, including a turkey dinner with lots of English trimmings, a quaint local pub where I learnt to play Skittles and down ale, and a house loud with the sound of excited children. There was snow in abundance, so though it wasnt falling on the day, it was a white Christmas enough for me. Boxing day we drove back and did it all again with Tony's family. My ability to eat continually has stopped amazing me and now just disgusts me a little bit, but you cant stop because, 'it's Christmas'. I lingered on in London, no doubt outstaying my welcome, but they were too polite to say, and got to feel like a bit of a local. I met up with an Aussie from Charleville, Kiel, and his girlfriend, Bindy and some of their mates, and we went to Abbey Road, for some compulsory Beatle shots, and Camden, which is such a great place. New Years was blurry, as it should be, spent at a party with nice people and plentiful supplies of canapes and drinks. After that I had to think about leaving, so after a day or two to recover, I left London behind once more, Scotland-bound..
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