Well... this is going to be possibly the longest blog ever... I am going to set myself the challenge! So much to say! So if I start with out last day in Byron...
Yet again it was turrentialy raining, although Chloe and I made the most of it by running around the hostel (gaining various strange looks in the process) and jumping in the pool!Our second surf lesson was a rather painful one as it turned out... there were insanely strong ripp tides and the waves were hard to catch. Just when I felt like I would never move again, I got stung by a vicious blue bottle which was horrible... the venom goes to your glades and it comes up as huge mark (check out the photos!) On our last night in Byron we did not wanna go out, but these Norwegians twisted my arm so we decided to hit the town yet again. Another case of Goon (the most filthy, cheap case wine, which we all drink here) down the old gullet and we were spent. I don't think I mentioned the Goon Bong in my last post, but it is an interesting contraption involving a hose pipe and plastic bottle cut in half... you do the math. The next day was one of the most tramatic as we arrived at our bus to find that our greyhound tickets had not registered.. to cut a long story short, after many a tear and tantrum later we managed to get on the bus to Noosa... THANK GOD!
So on to cheeky Noosa... we arrived at Koala beach resort late afternoon to find a room full on boys... I swear every where we go we never meet girls! We got on really well with two London boys called Neil and Rory, but the other guys were a tad odd- one ate an oragne and three raw eggs for breakfast! That evening Neil and Rory took us out in the Koala Bar, where we met a man who looked scarily like Santa Claus. I hate Tequila (remember my 17th mum.... not pretty), so 1..2..3 Tequila later we were not feeling so peachy. At this point Chloe met her Kiwi feller, nick.. but thats her story to tell! So I bet your thinking that at this point we should of gone to bed... but no. We decided to go for a late night swim instead! Fun times. The next day we had yet another trauma involving a lady Chloe knows called Polly. Everytime we tried to organise a meeting something would come up, it has been a little stressful, but we are meeting her for lunch today instead. However, it ended up being one of the best days! We bumped into the guys at the bus stop and ended up going with them to Noosa Market. Now this is a market that was described as 'buzzing', 'good music' and '65 stalls'... they were LIARS! It was a rather dapper event involving an old man on a guitar and about 10 stalls. We had all got ourselves revved up for face painting and everything :( but we ended up doing flips into the lake nearby... well Neil, Rory and I did, Chloe was a loser- or professional photographer as she would like to think! Then we walked to the National Park. It was a beautiful day and we had so much fun walking along the coastal walkway. I have never spent so much time in and out of water in my life... every single beach we went in the sea and splashed about. However, things took a turn for the worst when I was nearly swept out by a rather strong Ripp tide... luckily it was Neil to the rescue but was a little scared at the time! On our walk back the boys decided it would be hilarious to pretend to be Adam and Eve naked in the forest... although the woosed out when the saw an old couple approaching. We ventured home to make one of the best stir fries EVER. It was insane and all our culinary expetise combined to make a feast. Having eaten we then started a crazy game on 'Ring of Fire' with the tasty goon... that stuff gets you scarily tipsy! So after the game it was yet another swim in the pool, where we pulled out such moves as the jumping sprinkler, bombing, belly flops and dives... the skin on my tummy is raw! We returned pretty knackered... and I woke up covered in mossie bites so my skin is taking abit of a battering!
So thats you all pretty clued up on my crazy times... hope I havent worried you too much mummy and daddy lol! I am being good I swear!
Oh and you will be chuffed to here we have booked Fraser Island and the Whitsundays.. sod the weather we wanna see them! We are doing Fraser Island for the next 3 days then taking an overnight bus to Airlie on friday before doing the Whitsundays on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday... exciting times! I will try and get to a computer as much a possible, but it may be tricky!
Before I log off I must leave you with some of the banterous sayings that we have come up with... or have stolen from others (apologies for the swearing... I will blot it!)
"I don't know"- must be said in a slightly retarded way and is reference to a girl called Devon (stupid name) from Canada who would never answer a question, just say that- even simple questions like 'whats your favourite toothpaste?'- idiot.
'The Awkward Turtle'- stolen of Neil and Rory in reference to awkward moments. Place one hand on top of the other and then wiggle the pinky and thumb of the bottom hand.
'The Dead Turtle'- such awkward moments that it surpasses the awkward turtle... involves a stationary awkward turtle.
'S*** Happens'- my saying of the trip- live my the philoshopy that when the s*** hits the fan, you just laugh at it and move on.
'F*** it"- Chloe's favourite saying... but not usually heard when someone enters the dorm whilst she is sleeping... never knew she was quite so feisty having been woken.
Finally... the biggy and my favourite- 'You win some you lose some'- Good Times!
Love to you all... and miss you lots! Thanks for your messages too... I will email you Emily!
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