Hey, sorry for being so rubbish with my blog over the past few days... just been having too much fun! Byron Bay is one of the most interesting places I have EVER been, it is so hippy and chilled out. We have made so many friends here and I feel I am learning stuff about myself I did not know before... deep huh!? We arrived on Monday and stayed in Aquarius Hostel where we met 3 Irish girls who we went out on the razzle with... and thats where I met Liam who is awesome. Aussie guy but not arrogant like the majority of them. We have been chilling with a group of 6 guys, whom Liam is one of, and are having an absolute ball. Everyone is so friendly here its unreal, and I feel I am fitting in with the 'hippy' atmosphere. We spent yesterday on the beach, and the night before that we had a beach night which was great fun. Today we started Surf Camp and I managed to stand up on a board... shocking for a social sporter I know! I love it, though I ache all over now. I am so knackered it is unreal, so I plan on chilling with a good book tonight and not living it up for once... hard though! We dunno what our plans are, but have the option to go back to Sydney and stay with the guys we have met here if there are problems with the flooding in the Whitsundays. Anyway, bit tried but love to you all... and apologies for my phone call earlier mum... I am fine just tired and thats the only reason I was not that perky, love you guy xxxx
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