Hey guys, hope you all enjoyed the last set of photos and blog... hopefully if the computer is kind to me I may be able to load some more up today! Had a great couple of days...
14th March- We spent the previous night in a pretty little hotel in Bikaner, although, like Mandawa, it was only a stop over on our way to Jaisalmer, so we did not spend much time enjoying the city. However, we did get a chance to see the Junagarh Fort of Bikaner in the morning though. Like most forts here (and elsewhere for that matter really...) it was raised up, and huge. We had to pay the extortionate 'tourist' prices, but luckily two elderly Chilian women allowed us to join their tour, so we did not have to pay extra for that, We learnt about the Maharaja and his quarters- I found the stories about their wives particularly interesting. Did you know that they had between 20 and 50 wives, and that if the Maharaja died then all of them would have to commit suicide? Bet you didn't hey!? See I have imparted wisdom... also they were allowed large quantities of Opium and Alcohol to kill the pain... nice. We also learnt about the prisoners and how they had to make textiles for the Maharaja. They guide told us of the weapons and battles (all of which sounded pretty gruesome)... and it was generally a very interesting experience. Then we began YET ANOTHER car journey, this time it wzas 7 hours to Jaisalmer. It was not as fun as the previous journey... for starters our driver is really starting to get on my t*** (not literally). He beeps at EVERYTHING... goats, oncoming vehicles, people who are not on the road... and it is so annoying. All I want is a bloody sleep! And he keeps drinking beer... which was funny but is now scary. Also, spent most of it emotionally talking to Sara about the Norway/Australia situation, which has finally resolved itself with my decision to go back to Sydney.
When we got to Jaisalmer we went to a rooftop restaurant and enjoyed a rather nice Indian meal (and a milk shake... exciting I must say!) Unfortunately we missed the sunset you win some, you lose some!
15th March-
Possibly one of the most jam packed days yet! We got a guide who took us around Jaisalmer. We first visited the Golden Fort (as Jaisalmer is the 'golden city' as it is predominantly built out of Sandstone? which was very interesting. Unlike other placesd we have visited, it is still inhabited by 5000 people, and is know as the 'old town'. Inside it was very busy and we were hassled alot by the sellers, but still enjoyed the beauty of it. We saw the separate queen and king palaces, and visited vasious temples around the fort. We saw the 4 gates that we built very thin so thaty Elephants could not get through if they were invaded. I also found out that cows are holy here... who knew!? I mean, smelling cows... and here they are very smelly. Jaisalmer had an interesting scent to it. A combination of animal, animal poo and dust I would say... you can only imagine. Then Sara and I dabbled in a little retail therapy (if you can all 10 different shop owners yelling at you without any use of manners therapy)... though jokes aside I did pick up some gorgeous Jasmine style trousers and watched silver jewellery being created. After a nice lunch on a roof top restaurant, where we chatted to a danish guy called Michael, nice chap, we drove to the camel safari which was about an hour away. The Camel safari was in the middle of nowhere, but was a sweet enough arrangement. Sara and I opted to sleep under the stars instead of the huts. My camel was called a Cangola (a.k.a Nigel, it suited him more) and my guide was called Lashme. Although he had limited english he was a nice enough bloke. We walked to the sand dunes, which took about an hour, and I am not gonna lie... my ass has never hurt so much. Sara's was even worse, as my extra padding and horse riding did help, but it has actually bruised! On the way to the dunes we stopped at a small village where we were bombarded by children. The boys were cool and I played catch with them whilst Sara chatted to the girls... I did not like the girls, they tried to steal my bracelets and kept wanting money. We eventually arrived at our camp... though it was not a camp... it was just sand... we had anticipated perhaps a little more of a base.. but no. I should not be shocked really! As it turned out we had an amazing experience. We star gazed and it was beautiful. I saw 4 shooting stars and made wishes on them all hehe. Sara slept well, but I woke at 1am and could get back to sleep for hours. It was quite cold and I have been eaten alive my mosiquitoes. I have 32 bites in total, and 4 are on my face. I look like I have ache... its hot. We awaoke to a beautiful sunrise and then treked back to begin abouth 6 hour car trip to Jodphur. Its 3.30pm and we have arrived, woopee! It is called the blue city and is lovely, I will tell you how it goes as soon as I have done it haha. We have a guide tomorrow, so that should be interesting!
Anyway, missing you all, and don't hesitate to call me... I do miss chatting to people. Love you lots and hope your all well xxxxxx
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