So I am now in India... scary!
I arrived about 6 hours ago after a rather tedious 14 hour flight... who knew Sydney and Delhi were sooooo far away!? I had a transfer in Bangkok, which was a relief too be honest as I got a chance to change seats... all the way t Bangkok this Kid infront of me would NOT STOP CRYING! I felt like throttling the thing, I mean it was like a blooming alarm clock. I was pretty emotional on the way here as leaving Liam was hard, but it is hepas easier to contact people than I thought and I am getting an Indian Sim today which will make life easier!
I met up with Sara outside the airport and it was lovely to see her... although the hippy attire and henna made her slightly less recognisable. She is well, and just as daughted by Delhi as I am which is comforting, even despite her month trip here
I have never felt so vunerable in my entire life as I did for the first 2 hours we spent here... it was horrible. We had nowhere to go and the taxi driver was on a death wish I swear to god. But our luck changed when this guy at the train station directed us to a tourist bureau who basically organised our entire trip around India, flights, cars, trains, accomodation, safaris, day trips, sightseeing... you name it, we have sorted it! Which is a major relief! On the 5th we travel up to the Himalayas to treck and then on to Amritsar, but rather than bombarding you with Info now I will just tell you guys as I go.
Anyway, 6 hours on and I finally feel like my ld self. I can talk to home and Liam, we have accomodation, nothing has gone missing (touch wood), everything is insanely cheap here and we know where we are at! Although I miss certain people, I am on the positive now, so don't worry!
Will write more tomorrow, but for the time being much love to all
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