Day 1 on fraser island
Well Well Well, it has been a while! apologies to all for the lack of bloggage! but we have a very good excuse!
we have been stranded on a desert island! fending for our lives, with while dingoes, killer spiders and killer snakes and as if that isnt bad enough the isalnd was surounded bu sharks about 10 different species!! so we just didnt have access to a computer!! we couldnt even get phone signal! and we had to wee in a hole! which might be a bit to much information but these are the conditions we survived!!
but on a serious note! it was absolutley awesome!! we 4 whel drived on the biggest sand island in the world, so it has got to be good!! we had 10 to a group! and we were very lucky in ours all english apart form one german but he sounded american and irish at some points and he was good looking! always a plus! i think we were the more mature group! hard to belive i know! but its true, some annoying girls in other groups!! itzy bitzy brain we named one!! but was good!
s in our group, we headed off!! fully packed up in the back of a jeep, and i mean fully packed up! you couldnt move in the back! you were meant to wear seat belts but there jsut wasnt enough room!! we had tents a barbie, sleeping bags and very little luggage! not even shampoo as you could shower
we got on the ferry which took 45 mins on the shark full waters across to fraser island!! and then the trip began! we got off, let down our tyre pressure and we were out on the sandy roads! first T junction we came to we went the wrong way!! always a winner!! but we soon corrected it and we were away!! there were 4 jeeps altogether but we split up on the first day! we went to a little campsite on the way to wabby lake! so we stopped had some lunch, which we all had to buy before we set of! and then we were trying to find the lake! but we were unable to find it unfotunayly, so we carrie on and drove along the beach, Debbie was the main driver for our group and did alot of the driving on the first day! we bumped into the other grouops on the way to the camptsite and they had seen the lake and we therefore said right lets carry on and take a look! so while everyone else was settin up camp our group went it alone! got to the lakes veiw point ad it was gorgeous the lakes were just clear blue. we werent able to take a closer look or get in as it was gettin dark aND HAD TO GET BACK TO PICTH TENTS! (sorry for the caps).
so we set of back to camp and the worst happens!! already late and running behind scheduel, we get a puncher!! oh dear!! so all the girls steppe back which was 8 of us and let the 3 boys do there thing and fix it!!! i think they did it in record time! it was amazing!! i wouldnt have a clue!! so puncture fix we headed to camp!! finally got there!! and pitched up for thr night!!
we had a barbie on the first night cooked by nick! was good, i wasnt that hungry though but i did try kangaroo sausage which wasnt good!
we then cracked open the goon and everyones a winner! Goon by the way is a really cheap box of wine! doesnt taste great but does the job!
we then just sat round gazing up at the stars as it was so dark! and peaceful! then a dingoe came and smelt round which ruined the moment. we scared it of then felt it was time for bed! so crawled into our tents! and i would like to say went straight to sleep, but that wasnt the case! think we all had the wqorst night sleep ever!! i didnt sleep a wink!! the fact that it was noisy and all the scary stuff around, sleeping just wasnt an option! so sleepless night over we were on day 2..........
to be continued!
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