The bus down to Hervay bay wasnt pleasant and none of us got much sleep, when we got the Hervey we just basically did not a lot although from a scoot round the place there isnt anything to do anyway, so we sorted ourselves out for the next day as its an early start fot the Fraser trip. Up at 6am and into a meeting about Fraser and the 4WD vans and the dingoes and food, camping etc. We then got put into our groups Vic and I were put with the Irish girls from the boat and the irish couple and 3 army lads and an american guy, which was a good group as we all got on really well!!
What can i say about Fraser island really except that it was amazing and i think the best few days in Australia so far!! on the 1st day we drove across the island - very bumpy!! and then up beach to Eli Creek where we all had a paddle and siobhan managed to slip and fall in :) we then carried on up the beach to the shipwreck which i big and rusty but a good photo opp. Further up the beach we staopped for another photo opp at th 'pinnacles' which Vic and I were expecting to be like the ones we saw in perth, as these ones are an aboriginal sacred staones too, but they were very inderwhelming as it was just a big rock face that just had different coloured sands on it, so a bit of a disappointment for the whole group really. We then drove on a bit further up the beach where we stopped and set up camp with our army tents and then got dinner (a BBQ) underway before it went too dark. Then it was drinking aplently just to try and ward off the cold of course, hehe, anyway i think we all rolled into our tents about 2am quite smiley and drunk.
The next morning we had to get up early due to the tides as so we had to pack up and drive further up and off the beach before 9.30am when the tide came in, so actually by the time everyone got up the army lads had already made tea/coffee and cooked us sausages to have for brekkie - good stuff :)
We drove up to Indian head where lots of people where getting stuck in the sand getting off the beach so we parked up and had a walk up Indian head which is a massive lookout over the sea and we saw whales and dolphins swimming about and a couple of people also saw sharks swimming there. Back down at the van we caontinued to drive onto Champagne pools which is a rock formation that in high tide created big pools that the waves smash into and you can swim in - it was freezing so i only went in to my waist and that was good enough for me but a few people went in and said the waves smashing over you and the bubbles was cool.
From champagne pools we drove on to an actual campsite where we washed up our cooking stuff and make sandwiches and had lunch before we headed back down the eastern beach to the point at which we had come onto the beach when we first arrived as that was to be our campsite for night 2. Once we got there we set up our tents and then set off on a walk across loads of sandunes to lake wabby, which was basically just a lake but the walk to it was spectacular with all the sandunes, esp the walk back as the sun was beginning to set which made the colours in the sky and the water and the sand just amazing. - You can tell now that i am in awe of nature! Its just so different everywhere we go.
Again we cooked dinner (spag bol) on our stove and then had another drunken night of sitting around chatting. Its so good that our group really bonded and most of us are all heading down to Brisbane from here too.
On our last day we had a lie in as there was no rush to get off the beach today, although at 6.30am Amy and I had to get up for a pee, but as we were peeing a couple of dingos came quite close to us so we had to fninsh up and speedily dash to ou\r tents - keeping eye contact with them at all times with our arms crossed.
So a couple of hours later we leisurely packed away and then headed for lake mackenzie, which is spectacular!! it has the clearest water ever and again the water is freezing though, but this time i bobbed down up to my neck just to say id fully been in and apparently its supposed to be full of good minerals etc. After the lake we went to the picnic area and had lunch (the rest of the BBQ stuff) and then headed back to the ferry and the mainland.
Fraser Island was awesome!! i would def recommend it to anyone!!
Back on the mainland Vic was dying with a cold so wasnt up for going out but the rest of us all went out for dinner and a few more drinks and then ended up in a dodgy redneck club but had a good night.
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