Surfers Paradise was our first stop in Queensland, and contrary to the name it actually isnt a great place to surf! Tuesday, after settleing in we decided to go to Dreamworl theme park and forget doing the tours. some of the rides were quite scary espescially the Giant Drop which really made our stomaches turn as it took us to the top of a giant tower held us there admiring the view for a while and then plummeting us back down with a jult when we were least expecting it. The water ride was another great ride except the fact that I got soaked!!! Hayley cleverly put up her hood, done up every button and put on her sunglasses! She was well protected. Me on the other hand got soaked head through to jeans! As well as thatwe got to look around the Big Brother Australia studioandcould see through into the recording studio where they werewatching and editing the lie footage. Theur contestants seemto all be quite good looking and young,compared to the bunch of oddbals and miss fits on our one at home! (p.s Dan where is my update??) Just going on all the rides wasnt enough for us though and when we saw photo studio where you could dress up like olden times we couldn't resist dressing up like salloon girls and buying a photo!
Wednesday we decided to take a look at Sufers Paradise's non-surfy beach and pick up some cheese cake that Hayley had been craving for days! And we foundthe best cheese cake EVER - Mars Bar Cheese cake! mmmmmmmm - so healthy! Wednesday night was the Hostel bar crawel wwhichstarted off quite well, with free shots and four different clubs but ended up in the worst RnB club so we just had to leave... it was 3am though so it could be excused I supose! And only 3 hours sleep later we had to be up and packed to catch our next bus up the coast to Hervey Bay 9 hours away arriving at 5:30pm just in time for our Fraser Island camping trip meeting for the trip the next morning - we really dont have time to stop!!! Sitting in the meeting though we looked around and noticed that we were surrounded by not only couples but foreign couples! Our only Salvation were two Irish voices we heard amongst the group and another girl we noticed on her own. We wathed the safty video read our insurance papers andthen it was off to bed ready for anotherearly morning!
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