So off to the town of queens I do go, because being the queen of everything it is truly where I deserve to be :p but first, a very short and sweet visit to the little township of wannaka :)
Now we were meant to have an entire day and evening in wannaka to enjoy the sights, however, since we left grabs josef a day late and had to do a night drive to stick to the schedule, we only got to wannaka at around 11.30pm and had to check out at 8am. So my highlight of wannaka was basically the 48 minute wait to check in whilst the base staff decided to head bang to the crap ass music they were playing. Good times eh! Anyway, the next morning we started our drive to queenstown - the adventure capital of new Zealand and my new home for a good week or so :).
Before we got there however we stopped off at puzzle world!!! A wonderful and magical place filled with optical illusions, rooms that make you taller on one side then tiny again on the other, and ones that seem to make you stand at a 70 degree angle and roll balls upwards against gravity - it was a very scarey place indeed! So scarey infact that when me and jade attempted to complete the maze, we got so terrified of being stuck in there that we snuck underneith the maze Walls until we found an emergancy exit to get out! Obviously we told everyone we just got bored becuase it was a stupid ass maze but really, we were terrified. Honest. :p
So back on the bus we went and soon enough we were on the edge of queenstown, just in time for a little bungy fun :p the 'secrets of bungy tour' (one of the big 'extras' kiwi offers) was actually just a video showing how fun it is, but regardless of that, it worked! And 10 minutes later my bungy was booked! I know I know I can't even do a bucking bronco without hurting my back and I did seriously deliberate about whether to book it or not, but eventually I decided, f*** it. Lifes too short not to have an umbrella on your drink and it's definitly too short not to take a running jump of a ledge 400 feet above queenstown at sunset! I did however forgo booking the famous Nevis jump and opted for the ledge, which although was unfortuantly shorter, it was also tied round the waist instead of the ankles which would be much better for my back - or much less chance of harming me anyway :p needless to say I didn't tell the folks. Not right away anyway :p.
Eventually after booking into yet another base hostel and settling into our little family room (all 8 of us in one room - I sense trouble...) we decended into the midsts of a hostel bar crawl and undertook in some crazy ass dancing and drinking cocktails out of teapots...only in kiwi land right! :) oh p.s, it was Ginger night too so you got free drinks if you bought a Ginger person to the bar with you - what an immense idea right?! :p
The next day was pretty quiet all in all, with the exception of one thing - my jump. And my god was that exceptional alright! My plan was to go up the gondola a bit before sunset so that I could make my jump perfectly on time, however I fell asleep and then had to kind of run just to make my jump slot at all, and the gondola is a lot further away than it looks! Up a hill! With stairs!! I almost died. It was a very traumatic experience for me... But I did it and I eventually got up there and booked in :) of course the sun had kind of already set by then but the overall view from the mountain was still fairly magnificent :) I think I was probably slightly nervous but I'm not really sure because the adrenaline gives you such a rush! But I can tell you one thing for sure, taking that running leap of the edge to the sound of the jump guys cheering and just the feeling of falling to the ground then swooping up and flying into the mountains, it was absolutly undeniably incredible, it really was. There is a somewhat calming feel to taking a complete leap of faith of the edge of a mountain, the same as with the gorge swing in Zambia, it's like, you know something bad could happen, and you know you are putting your life in someone elses hands but at the same time you kinda think, that's ok. Becuase if, IF I have to go, this is a pretty spectacular way to do it. The only slightly bad point was that a mother and son watched me do it, which meant a mother and her 7 year old son watched me swear blue murder continusly for around 10 minutes. I would not like to be her that evening... 'muuummmm, what's a mother f***er?'...
Afterwards of course I did the traditional 'i'm still alive after doing something dangerous that I didn't tell you about' phonecall to the mother dearest and funnily enough she guessed what I had done before I even said anything simply becuase I started the conversation by saying 'mum you're going to want to ring me back because you're going to want to shout at me for a while...' clever mum, you know me so well! :p you know what though - totally worth it. All of it, even if it had hurt my back, which it didn't, even if it had killed me to get up there, which ok it almost did, it would have been completly and utterly worth it. And in the words of forest gump, that's all I have to say about that.
The next two days were kinda chilled, just enjoying queenstown and hanging out. We did go and see the A-Team on Thursday were mark really did try his best to put the moves on me in the back row (but don't worry, when that failed he tried them on chris to great success!) and Friday brought about another fergburger for dinner (the most amazing, orgasmic burgers you will ever eat in your entire lifetime) and of course another messy pub crawl to say goodbye to those of us leaving the family the next day (namely me and dave) but otherthan that, I think my lovely week in queenstown is just about done. I will leave it with one parting throught though - to the stupid annoying twatbag of a person who burnt their stupid ass toast on Thursday morning and set the fire alarm off causing us all to stand outside in the freekin freezing in out pj's - I will find you. I will hunt you down, and I will find you. When you least expect it. b****.
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