Hello from wytomo! Hehe I'm a poet don't you know! :p
Only a quick one today, just to recap all you darlings on my very adventurous exciing and thrilling adrenaline ride that was today! Don't believe me? Well by 9am I had zorbed my way down a big hill and by 10.30 I was strung up in a sleeping bag with ele and jade being hoisted by crane 30 metres in the air, only to drop and swing freely as soon as ele had the balls to pull the cord!! Not enough for you? More you ask?? Ok, how about spending the rest of the morning watching angora rabbits being sheered! Ah! Knew that one would peak your interest...
Well basically one of those little perks you get with kiwi experience is the chane to bond further with your new New Zealand family by getting involved in some bunny bondage! Seriously though it's not as cruel as it sounds - creepy and weird sure but definitly not cruel :) the rabbits are bred for their beautifully soft angora fur but there's so much of it that if jan the rabbit lady doesn't sheer them 3 times a year they will suffocate in thier own fur! So today happened to be the turn of wilma, a georgous White rabbit, to be strung up by all fours in what can only be described as a bunny vice and streched until all the creases in her belly had gone, then jan simply shaved her, there and then... Kind of like basting a rotisary chicken, you turn then you baste then turn and baste and so on! Wilma really didn't seem to mind! The only really creepy bit was when we all got to go up and stroke her belly whilst she was all tied up just staring at us as if to say 'yes im strung up like a Christmas turkey and yes I'm going to let you touch me... But only because I secretly like it' :p and so that was wilma, we bonded, but in that I'm happy never to see you again kind of way! Still, definitly something you gotta see to believe!
By the time we got to the hostel it was early afternoon and the sun was just making everyone smile :) sure it was cold but with everything sparkling in sunlight it was simply an incredibly pretty place :) the hostel itself was more like a home than anything else, we didn't have bunk beds for a start! Now forgive me If I'm wrong but I was under the impression that ALL beds had ladders and another bed chucked on top?! Apparently not! This one even had something they call a 'duvet' - never heard of it, must be French... Anyway me, ele, chris and dave shared a room whilst jade was upstairs and soon enough we found a nice well stocked kitchen (in which I mean stuff actually worked), a game room and tv room with sofas for gods sake! And a nice little global gossip station in the corner... Perfect. Really it is probably one of the nicest and cosiest places I've stayed since 1770 in oz!
So in the afternoon we all decided to take advantage of the gloworm caves that wytomo was famous for and go black water rafting... Ele and dave did the proper perilous absailing and ziplining through the cave for 5 hours but me jade and chris, upon realising how cold it would be and how little money we had to piss about with decided to go for the three hour stint which basically involved rafting through caves 30 metres underground :p when we got there we kinda figured straight away that it would be a LOT colder than we first anticipated, simply because they were giving out fleecy tops to wear under our wet suits!! I would also like to point out that I was kitted out with the stupidest pair of boots imaginable - they wernt boots, they were scraps of White plastic barely held together by laces which by no means kept any water out, kept my feet warm or gave me any extra support or security when climbing over rocks in the dark. Chris laughed at them. A lot. So anyway our first job was to take our 'rafts' that actually turned out to be big rubber tyres (so it was really more tubing than rafting) down to the river for some practises, and by this I mean we had to jump off a ledge backwards into freezing cold water and try and land in our tyre! Good eh! Then it was down into the caves we went where we basically spent the next three hours jumping off waterfalls, climbing over rocks and floating down tiny streams watching all the thousands of glow worms wriggle about on the ceiling - it was brilliant! And the glow worms were really a sight to be seen, when we turned all our head torches off as just had the light from them, it was magnificent :) although, did you know that glow worms arnt infact worms?! They are actually fluresant fly poo... Just thought I would share that with you! But for torism sake, as a PR professional :p, I suggest sticking with glow worms - much more marketable :p
By the time we got out and back onto dry land I think it's pretty safe to say that we were possibly the coldest we have ever been, I know I was anyway!! And when your whole body is shivering I can also tell you that the absolute best medicine is a boiling hot shower and tomato soup with a bagel... And it was even included in the price :p the evening was pretty quiet, after about another hour in the shower back at the hostel I had finally resumed normal body tempreture enough to cook dinner when all the girls kind of realised we forgot to get plates and s*** before reception closed (you get a little bag of stuff when you pay a deposit - no nicking the forks in this place!) and all the boys, parading their plates and bowls in our faces, laughed at us. Dave did offer me his mug to be fair, but ony in return for 10 star jumps which is code for all of my dignity and respect - DAVE I WILL NEVER DO STAR JUMPS FOR YOU... NEVER!!! :p suffice to say I ate out of the saucepan, jade out of a pot and ele managed to find a bowl somewhere, knives and forks however were a no go... :p the rest of the night was spent playing cards until both me and ele fell asleep on the boys beds, such party animals we are! Oh and chris, if you're Reading this, the tiny little cute field mouse you jumped up and screamed at when it ran accross the room was only trying to make friends, his name was Frederick and If you got to know him instead of acting like a girl jumping on the bed and becomig hysterical, I think you would have liked him :p
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