Day 4: Montreux
Ok so today headed to Montreal…probably the day Ive been looking forward to the most because today is the day I get to see FREDDIE…eeekkk Omg I could burst with excitement, when i got off the coach I literally ran to the statue and of course, you've gotta do the "Freddie" Pose when having ya pic taken…I mean come on…..I was in owe, I literally nearly cried haha…so there he is in all his slender on the side of Lake Geneva….WOW!!!!! Obviously then I headed for the casino….where the Queen Music Experience is, I walked round singing and looking at all the amazing costumes and music and then I went into a room, which I thought was a replica but NO this man who worked there cam in and told me this was the ACTUAL Studio they recorded their last songs in…I nearly fell off the chair…I got to put a song on and mix it how I wanted (like adding vocal,drums,bass etc)…I mean what is this sorcery?? I was sat in the actual room Queen recorded some music….someone pinch me.
As you can imagine after all that excitement I was a little exhausted so I headed off back down the shore of Lake Geneva in search of food and I found a Frozen Yog place…OK heaven!!! So I had a lovely frozen yogurt and waked all down the front by the lake…there was a Tattoo Convention going on…Oh if only I had time (haha)…and then Montreal hosts Jazz Festivals….so there was lots of Jazz Statues and I LOVE Jazz music so was in my element…actually all along the lake front is Art, all different kinds and its pretty impressive.
Just walking along the Lake Geneva and listening to just the water, the sun is shining - Ill be honest it was bliss….would LOVE to see it of an evening and also in the height of Summer…so picturesque and peaceful…I could of stayed all day if I had time.
Also the Montreal Palace Hotel where Freddie Stayed…was gorgeous.
Montreal has lots to see and do and it was made better by the Sunshine and gorgeous views, definitely a place Id re-visit.
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