Hellooo Prague
Day 1:
Arrived into Prague and got my transfer to hotel, and was lucky enough to be able to check in straight I dont know about you but I love being able to do that - cos it just means you can unpack, have a wee in private and 5 mins to just breathe
Anyways I should of had a little nap at this point because I was shattered...but me and my bright ideas of "oh lets go explore" so I got wrapped up like I was in the North Pole and set it wasnt as cold as it was meant to be - or even saying it was - so off I trot....first stop I went to the Astronomical Clock and was there just intime for the hourly "show"......well I was excited about this because I love all things Astonomy and had heard all about it...>WELL....all Im saying is dont get ya hopes it, even though it was was nothing spectacular and lasted about a minute...sooooooo erm yeh thanks
I then went on a wander and got a bit lost....I seen a Tesco, M&S and a C&A (remember boss was it)...when I seen all these shops I was like, have I arrived home...I was tired, thirsty and lost....not a good combo! I then decided to get a hot dog sausage (which was the side of Prague) and a mulled wine......Happiness is resumed
Walked to Wensenclus square and then around the Old town....I will save the rest of the exploring for tomorrow because tonight I am off to the BEER SPA!!
OK Beer Spa...there are NO words, this was 1 of the best things Ive ever done...if you get to Prague get to the Beer Spa. I had my own room and its like these tubs full with hot water and they add beer, hops and barley then sit in the tub with bubbles and next to the tub is a tap and glass and you just refill ya beer as much as you want...after the bubble stop - out the bath and lay on a bed of hay (yes Im aware this makes me sound like a horse....but its not like that) and allow the hops and barley soak into your skin....which is an exfoliant...and yeh my skin felt amazing. You get the room for an hour and it was worth it all...I had such a great time relaxing in random but so good! Just singing along ti Czech songs...even though I didnt know the words!!
Im off to bed...stinking of beer!!
Day 2:
Today I woke up refreshed despite the lads in the room next to me waking me up...but fear not I told them and I think they are scared haha!
I decided to go on a Walking Tour today...proper tourist behaviour BUT a great way to see the city and get some info off an expert.It was a boss tour...we got to see the Jewish Quarter, Old Town Square, Walk over Charles Bridge and then up to the Castle and then Lennon much to see and do and lots of great history and the buildings in Prague are I became camera crazy again
The tour guide was great and we got to see lots of stuff and I know I wouldnt of seen half of this on my own, but also places I can see again
All the roads are cobbled in Prague - so yeh ankles beware
Prague is the only place I know where beer is cheaper than water...swear down BUt suppose thats one of the things they are famaous for - as they are ballets and operas and Ill be honest if I woulda known this before I would of booked a ballet or opera performance in 1 of their amazing theatres...maybe if I visit again!
Tried some traditional Czech Goulash tonight...which was nice and a Chinmeuy Cake.....OMG WOW!! Its like sweet bread with a filling of your own..I went with apple and cinnamon and ice cream...DROOOL!!! Deffo a must if you go!!....Im so rock an roll I was in bed my 9
Day 3:
Today I went for a wander down to the "Dancing House"....and tbh I dont really know what else to say about it...its a house/apartments and it looks all mishapen like its dancing....that kill 45mins anyways!!
Today I went on a little boat river tour - it was a nice little 50min tour.....but as Id been on a tour the day before Id heard most of the stuff....heres me thinking I know it all cos Ive done 1 walking tour haha - soz aba me - tour guide of the year!
Seen some markets and had a mooch..and then went on a mission to find the Liverpool game - I mean when in Prague and all that
Old Town Square - lots to see and do...nice buildings and now I had my bearings about the place - its so easy to navigate round
I may have had another Chumney Cake ...but ya know when in Prague and all that - be rude not too wouldnt it!
All in all Prague is such a pretty place and even though it was in minus temps....because there was no wind, it made it nice and once youre walking round and all wrapped up you soon get warm
Took me a while to get used to the currency...but its like that wherever you go I suppose!
Thanks Prague...Ill be back again - maybe
Jen x
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