were schiving as the boss is out so we are checking all your messages and pictures and getting very jealous! hope you are having a lovely time! stock is up s*** creek thanks to shaza! we will never need to order gold bottles again!! but needles are going on the floor as we have no cin bins! come back soon and help! off to the ALL you can EAT chinese on friday to feel like we are with you in china! take care and keep us all up to date with pictures and messages.
Tina And Mike
Hi Jen and Ray
Sounds like you guys are having a fabulous time (apart from the tummy bugs). The pictures are fab and something you can look back on and enjoy for years to come. We are keeping tracks of your trip and feel very jealous. Have a fantastic time. Will talk again soon. Take Care XXXXXX
Maureen & John
Hi Jen & Ray
Yes we are looking and enjoying your site every day! Glad to hear everything is going well and you are having a great time. China sounds very nice, we cannot wait to see the pictures. India looked good, enjoyed the photos and video. Like your nickname out there Ray it fits! Carry on enjoying yourselves, look forward for some more updates.
Mau & John xx
Kay cooking dinner and cleaning...that is funny!
Hope you are feeling better and enjoying yourselvs. I can't wait to see the pictures.
Jo xoxox
well it's been a week and so far not doing to bad but missing you lots!! as for james's adventures this is how it really goes
Day 1: james wakes kay up to take him to the station
day 2: oh james wakes kay up again, kay cooks dinner
kay cooks dinner again and again and again oh and does james ironing as for never seeing me its because im always cleaning and washing whilst they are sitting in the lounge. On a serious note hope you are having a good time and look forward to more photos!! xxxxxx
Hiya, Looks like you are having a whale of time love the photos and the video. Not bad for a couple of "old'ns" Jen, hope what you are eating is "sin free"!! Look forward to seeing the next stage of your journey, I look everyday to see what you are both up to. Take care and keep safe. Love you lots Jenxxx
James' Adventures while Jen and Ray are on Theirs.
Day 1: James walks back from Hatton Cross.
Day 2: Jo, eats James' dinner he prepared day before. (Rents definately on its way down!!)
Good to know your having a great time, Jo's cooked some good meals this week, not to sure if I can remember what Kay looks like she is never in..haha (only joking). 'Everything is, 'sound as a pound'. Liking the pictures hope stomach bugs are better. I think by the video in Delhi, they need some 'speed awareness lessons' with Nigel Slater's school of motoring!!
Not missing you too much, oh sorry I mean missing you lots. Jen will do some meals on wheels to 12 West View when you get the camper??
Take care and keep us updated and making us jealous!!
Love From James x
Great photos! Glad your having fun, TM looks amazing! Enjoy China now xx
hiya nice photos of us on friday really love them hope u have a fab time in india and i will keep in touch.
thanks 4 da lovely card
love jackie xxx
love jackie xxxx
Glad you had a good flight, how was your massage? Enjoy your sight seeing and take lots of pictures to makes us jealous. Missing you lots xoxoxox
Ian And Lucy
Well we have just seen you off at the airport so we thought we would come and raid your freezer seeing that you are not here! Only joking! Hope you have a wonderful time you really deserve it xxxxx
Hi Jen and Ray hope you are all set for your travels. Missing you Jen already, have a great trip.xx