do we HAVE to look at them again when you come home lol
only joking looks fantastic
lots of love and kisses
sue x
what a great web site! we feel like we're traveling the world.. bernie says thanks it's saved him a fortune... looking forward to the 'bunji jumps' in aussie!!
keep safe x
luv ya loads dawn & bernie x x x x x x x x x x
Hi Mum and Dad
Just been looking at all your photos, they look great you havent watched pretty woman before have you!! haha. im writing from kent as you know staying with sue and nigel for the weekend but got woken up by the cows this morning as the calfs escaped!! anyway safe trip to perth and speak to you soon, take care xxxxx
I am so jealous...It is strange looking at your pics, they are almost the same apart from the five* hotels!
Can't believe you took the electric car around the wall in Xian I would not have walked it if I had of known that was an option.
Take Care
Jo xoxox
Susan Wallace
Hi Jen and Ray, what a great time you must be having you've recovered from the Delhi Belly!! Really enjoying following your travels and seeing all the pictures. Have tried, unsuccessfully so far, to send you messages but if this one works we send a longer message next time. Meanwhile, onwards to the next destination - take care, lol Sue xx
Nic And Chris
Hi Aunty Jen and Uncle Ray,
Sorry we have'nt been in touch sooner only our internet has been down. Looks like you are having a fantastic time by the pictures. It also sounds like you have had tummy bugs! Hope you are both better now. We are very jealous as the weather is rubbish over here at the mo! Take care and we look forward to seeing the next lot of photo's.
Love Nic, Chris and boys.xx
Hello Mum and Dad,
Sounds like you are having a good time and glad you got food that did not contain rice! Now you know how I felt when I said I was riced out ha ha!
Going back to uni on sat, but hopefully will do some work and not keep checking up on your blog.
Speak to you soon and missing you loads.
Jo xoxox
hello my little mosquito & lovely ray
your photos are great.. glad you didn't drop the taj mahaj! really missing you jen.. but i can't say it's quite with out you at mo, cos we've got lovely jen with the face lift around. all's well this end... we had thick snow sunday.. enjoy your next adventure love ya loads n loads dawn x x x x x x x
Just read your latest adventure. It sounds great. Glad you are enjoying yourselves. It must be a great experience to see how other people live. Can't wait to see the photos. I'm on holiday from work for 2 weeks now. Take care, looking forward to reading about your next adventure.
Love you lots
Hi Ray & Jen
Sounds really great in China! Can't wait to see the pics. Fred Elliott sounds great fun Ray, you may have met your match! Carry on having fun.
Hi Jen & Ray, this technology is fantastic, almost as good as the time you seem to be having (except for the Deli Beli!). Really is great looking at all your photos (I am so o o o jealous). Have a fabulous time, enjoy every moment (except for Deli Beli) and don't think about any of us.
Mo xxx
Carolyn Fletcher
Hi Jen and Ray,
Looking most days on your site and feeling very jealous! Like the sound of Beijing and look forward to seeing the pics.All well down here job going well and love it in somerset.Enjoy your next adventure, xx