Thought I would get a message in before you leave. I hope you have a great time and enjoy spending the kids inheritance! I will miss you, but I think you will have an amazing time XOXOXOX
Kay Tozer
Hi Mum and Dad
Just thought i would leave a quick message before you go really not long now approx. a few hours!!! get ready for the tears! hope you have a fantastic time you deserve it, take in every moment and enjoy it to the full
missing you already!!! xxx
Jen - Who's going to take my blood for the next 4 months, take care both of you, love Una, Murray & Kelly-the-dog XX
Su Petite
Missin u already Jen it is so QUIET without u! Looking forward to all your news. I am so impressed with your IT skills! u r such a 21st century chick! have loads a fun
Luv Su xx
Hello Mum and Dad,
Not long until you leave for the most amazing trip and adventure around the world. I hope you have as much fun as I did although am not expecting videos of you jumping off of cliffs and out of planes ha ha! I will miss you loads, but I will make sure I write before you leave. Make sure you keep us all updated.