We have just looked at your latest photos and birthday video, absolutely great! Turquiose bay looked beautiful. Jen looked great in her snorkel outfit what about yours Ray? Anyway you look as if you are really enjoying yourselves. Happy holiday!
Love from Mau & John xx
Jean And John
Hi Jen and Ray having a blood test and looking at your pics all our love XX
Tina And Mike
Hi Jen and Ray
Just been reading messages and realised it was yr birthday on Sunday hope you had a good one yr day sounded fantastic and well done to you jen keep up the fun. xxxx
Hi Jen & Ray...have been chatting to Kay on facebook tonight and she reminded me it was your birthday today (here, just about), and i realised i hadn't been reading your blogs. how daft was i - it's the best thing i've read in ages! - i nearly wee'd myself laughing :)
sounds like you're having a fab time. i haven't looked at your photos yet - i'll do that sometime when i shouldn't be sleeping.
off for some beauty sleep now before work (remember that filthy word???) tomorrow.
Happy birthday and happy travelling. hi de hi campers (winebego-ers doesn't have the same ring)
love louise xx
HAPPY BIRTHDAY....hope you have/had a good day!! Hope u are both well.
Love James x
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM!!! glad you had a good time with the whales and hope you enjoy your birthday dinner!!! missing you lots
kay xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
happy birthday jenny. have a great birthday.
the pie and lemmingtons sound yummy! enjoy the whales and sharks.... hope jaws isn't about! keep your toes and fingers tucked in.
still missing you luv loads dawn & bernie
jo it's so quite without you....see you when you break up from uni x x x
Maureen & John
Dear Jen and Ray
Just a note to wish you a very 'Happy Birthday' Jen on the 27th. Hope you both enjoy celebrating your birthday. Have a good one and certainly one to remember!!
Love from
Mau, John & family xxxx
Happy Birthday Mum. Hope you enjoy your whale shark watching! Are you having pie and lemmingtons for dinner?
Jo xoxox
Hi Jen, this is just a quick note to wish you Happy Birthday for tomorrow (although I think it is already Sunday for you). Hope you have a great day and get to see the whale sharks. Love reading all about you journeys. Take care of yourselves. Happy Birthday 21 again? ? ?
Mo xxxxx
Hi, you are both looking great - very healthy and laid back. The photos are great - where is the "lucky shag" place? Iam away from saturday - Spain_ but only for the week but have a wonderful birthday Jen and carry on having a ball - you lucky sods. Lots of love
Carolyn (Dubai)
How fab a time are you both having! Have laughed out loud at some of your blogs. Jo tells me you're doing it in style and not slumming it like she did. Looking forward reading about your continuing adventures.