You guys are looking fantastically bronzed and good. The blogs are keeping us in fits. Brill photos. Keep having fun and enjoy the second half
Take Care
Tina And Mike
You guys are looking fantastically bronzed and good. The blogs are keeping us in fits. Brill photos. Keep having fun and enjoy the second half
Take Care
Hi to the two of you - the latest photos are great and I like the hats!!!! Glad you are having a great time and you both look really well. Keep well and happy. Lynnxxxxx
The pics look amazing and you both look really well. Bet your glad to get to Adeleide. Keep enjoying yourselves!!
Jo xoxox
Hi Jen and Ra, just looked at your latest photos and read latest blogs. It all looks so fantastic (must be even better in the flesh!) and so wish I was with you. How can you think that we would be bored with the photos and your blogs - you are just making us all so envious. Just enjoy every moment of it and just remember you have got to come home eventually. Take care of yourselves.
Love Mo xxxx
Su Petite
Well u look fantastic so relaxed an chilled out! Loving reading about your travels sounds fantastic. Life ere is same ole s*** just lookin out of the window sky is grey and its raining !enjoy enjoy enjoy U lucky buggars im so jealous............ Luv Su
Lin & Ray
Hi Jen & Ray, Can't believe what we've just seen, fantastic!! Hope you had a nice birthday, been trying since to get on here and send the message (useless as ever- Carla). Jo did a fantastic job for Meg's sleepover, but I forgot her birthday! (not just Carla that's useless!!! You two look brilliant, like your having a whale of a time (Erin says a Shark of at time)........ We all send our love, take care and we'll check in again soon..... Keep Smiling!
Lin, Ray, Carla, Megan, Kieran, Erin and Gramps.
Mau & John
Hello Ray & Jen
Just been looking at your new photos of Darwin and Alice Springs absolutely beautiful! you lucky things. Keep sending the photos we really enjoy them! love Mau & johnxx
me again.. i don't no what day im on.... laila was born on the 20th may..... god im so silly!!!!!!
jenny... im a grandmother!!!
laila was born on the 22nd may at 2.24am mum and baby are doing really well. laila weighed 7lb 2oz..
really enjoying your travels
lots of love and hugs dawn and bernie x x x x still missing ya my little mosquito x x x
Now my exams are finished I can at last catch up with the blog. You both look like you are having a great time and makes me wish I was out there!