We had one of the best laughs of our trip so far at Xian Airport. Unfortunately we met the first hitch in our trip - we were booked on a different flight out to the one on our itinerary so we had 5 hours to spare. Our travel guide was very apologetic and booked us in for Chinese foot massage. Fortunately we were both in the same room otherwise we might have wondered if there were any extras going on.
They soaked our feet and then we had the arm and back massage (over our clothes). Ray was amazed when his therapist put her knees in his lower back and lifted him right up into a bridge position - it's a long time since he has tried that one. The foot massage followed which was divine and just when we thought it was all over in they came each bearing a giant vibrator with a rotating ball on the end. We had the full vibrator treatment - feet, legs, thighs (inner and outer) and stomach. Well we were hysterical as long had gone the days when Ray thought he would have a young Chinese girl between his legs with a vibrator and the same for me as I had a young Chinese male. Ray had the cheek to ask me if it did anything for me. The worrying part was it didn't!!
Oh well on to Guilin
Yours Not Easily Aroused
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