We left Eden yesterday morning and took the road out of New South Wales and into Victoria as we continued our journey south through the countryside, although we didn't even realise we had entered Victoria for a while. All of a sudden there was a small sign saying 'Welcome to Victoria' and then there followed signs for VicRoads, the RACV and all other things Victoria and then just as soon as they had started, they stopped again and the road continued in much the same way as the last hundred or so kilometres. It was a little strange as we had assumed that the states would make a pretty big deal about their boundaries but this road just continued through the forest until we were out the other side.
When we arrived at Lakes Entrance we drove around for a little while to find somewhere to stay and stumbled upon a car wash and decided to give Fergal a treat after all the driving around in the dirt yesterday. Unlike the standard car washes at home this was one that you park the car and use high powered soap and water sprays, a big brush that soap comes out of and wax sprays at the end. They even had a special cleaning product for the tyres and it was good fun to be able to fire the water guns at the car and not get in trouble. It was like being a little kid again with giant water pistols!
By the time we had finished, Fergal was shining in the midday sun and we drove around the town for a while before finding a campsite not too far from the main strip, where we could stay for the night. Once we were set up we decided that some exercise was needed so we headed just down the road to where we had earlier spotted a mini golf course. The course was all designed around a boating theme and we spent a couple of hours putting along until we had completed all eighteen holes and both almost tripled the overall par for the course! We returned to the campsite for a few games of table-tennis to see the evening in before retiring to the confines of our tent for our first night in Victoria.
Before we left this morning we took a walk across the bridge in town that leads to Ninety Mile Beach across the water. As expected the beach stretched on as far as we could see in either direction and as the weather is rapidly cooling, we were among only a few people on the sand, but we didn't have time for a stroll so we headed back across the bridge. It was really strange seeing parts of the river that we were crossing had been sectioned off along the banks for people to swim in, compete with floating barriers. Then it was back on the road again as we headed along the south coast until arriving at Wilson's Promontory in the middle of the afternoon.
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