Hi Jemma, great to be updated on your tour... New Zealand looks fantastic - just like Lord of the Rings the boys say.... Harry and Andy have met up with Jordan and Nanny and Grandad Salter at a Vintage show.... he actually admitted he was looking forward to your return... I know Nana and Grandad are too - enjoy the last leg of your journey
Love The Bradshaws xx
Hello all, we are just waiting to fly to Fiji! A bit sad to leave New Zealand, I really liked it here but not so sad to leave the cold weather!! There isnt much phone signal or internet in Fiji apparently so wont be in much contact til a week on monday. Hope everythings good, see you very soon!! xx
Hi Jemma
Emailed Jill and there is a bed awaiting you both if you want it on your return to Christchurch, her number is 006433133991. She would be more than happy to accommodate you just give her a ring.
Great to hear your enjoying NZ
Delia xx
"cash left"...???? not really!!!!! *cough cough*
Me too! Bring on the NZ stories eeeek xxxx love from rachie bum xx
I'm still reading!! See you soon yay! xxx
Josie's Mum
Hello you two Congrats on making the half way stage & still having some cash left...! I'm printing off the blogs for grandma, who has been sunbathing on the patio in our current heatwave....Keep up the corrrespondence as it keeps her happy!
Love to you both from all of us
mum & co xxxx
How scary is that, I was just discussing you with Nanny before I left work on how long you had been gone (Nanny informs me 2 months!!) and I just said to her that I hadn't had an update for some time and that you must be enjoying yourselves too much to find the time and then I get home from work and check the e-mails and there you are!!
Looks fab, but I'm sure you must be missing us all really........NOT!
Anyway keep enjoying yourselves, have you not both spent out yet??
love from Jayne xx
Phelicia & Hector
Hello Josie.Your trip sounds just fab.Phelicia is busy stealing your bedroom & hair straighteners! Hector & Richy are busy making naughty chocolate roulade whilst your lovely mim & I drink lots of tea & chatter about everything. Its jolly good shopping here....Very different to splod.Have a fantastic trip & make loads of memories! See you in Summer if you are silly enough to come back to chilly Blighty.A xxx
hellloooo, how is yous?! sorry have not been in touch recently, been muchos busy with moving and stuff! glad the weather is still looking fab for you, its been snowing(more like raining really) here which is v depressing, want some sun :) anyways, miss you and keep having fun xxxx
Happy Easter..rather belated wishes... Wow Australia looks amazing - underwater shots were fantastic!
You missed lots of snow on Easter Sunday - we made an Easter Snow bunny!
We are really enjoying following your travels and sharing your fab photos! Taking Nana to see Auntie Rose in London tomorrow - I will print off some shots to show her.
Take care and glad things are going well on your travels
love The Bradshaws xx
sounds and looks like such a hard life!!
missing you loads and loads. take care xxxx. p.s. it is frieston time at shs... the memories!