Its so nice to hear you having a good time, and I am so truly jellous. But so proud of you. Try and sort the pics out !!!! can I upload my old pics of you when you were a baby ???.Thanks for phone call today it was great to here you Luv you, Dad
So if you can sleep with lizards, could you also sleep with mice?! xxx
Its great to hear news! Glad you're having a great time! Unlike Peg i was awake during the earthquake and it was quite scary, although i did think perhaps i was a disillusional for a start as i had been up a long time working on the old dissertation, but i wasnt and the news informed me it was real. Looking forward to reading about more tales and seeing pics. Take care. Be good. Love you both muchly. xxx
yaaaay news :) you write proper good like, not like flem who is drunken and spells things wrong hehe! am still sooo jealous, it seems mad that you will be away for so long but am so happy that you are obviously having an amazing time!! the earthquake was slept through by me, its a lot of fuss about not much really, a few chimneys fell off in some places and a lot of dust but only one person got injured! anyway, keep in touch cos it brightens my little world up :) miss you and love you lots xxxx
Mum O'toole
Thank you Jemma for the newscast....I think you've a future as a travel writer. Love to you both
Mary & coxxx
...thats better! it makes my day at work sooo much better when i get to read about ur exciting travels!! keep it up!! xxxxxxx
oh, and that applies to you josie midget o'toole!
Jemma Louise Rollins the point of having a blog is TO WRITE ON IT!! so get on with it so it makes my day better at work!! big kisses xxx
Hello! Glad to hear you've been found by Flem and Mr Jams, stay safe keep thinking of u alllllll the time. Lots of loving xxx
where are you?? you have muchos pictures to put on here to catch up with flem and jams hope you are already having a fabulous time xxxxx
JEM JOSIE are u there yet? i want info like are u safe is it hot are the men fit have u got a pair of knickers or pulled yet? xx
Where are you?! Are you two midgets safe?! cariad mawr xxxx