Last night I dreamt you missed us all so much you flew home for a night out in Manc and then flew back to Oz the next day! Random! So glad you're having an amazing time - checking yours and Flem's blogs are definitely a highlight of my Facebook/mail/stalking regime! Love yas x x x x
Sam And Ella
Hey J and J,
We are so very jealous....we are trying to persuade ourselves that the beaches in Australia look just like the one in sunny Hunny, to make ourselves feel better!!!
We are off out tonight to that you are very jealous!!! OOOOO....we have picked dresses for Sam, Sophie and Megan....they look like pretty little girls!!!
Hope you are having a great time. Lots of love, Sam and Ella xxx
P.S. Have you tried eating croc and kangaroo yet?! xxx
Hey have just come accross your blog! wow sounds like a good trip, is it? i book to go on that trip yesterday and fly out in oct. Any tips?
Hope your having a great time!
G..Day Jemma!!
He...he!! Hope you are feeling better? It's great seeing all the pics, and I am forwarding them onto work to show both Nanny & Grandad to keep them up-to-date too!Looks as though you are both having a great time, can you send us some warm weather over please from Aussie as it is freezing here and it even talks of snow here over the easter nice!!
Now off on a history walk with Kayla's class around the village, think of me in my scarf and gloves whilst you are swanning around in your shorts!!! Kayla and Luke want to know if you have seen any Kangaroo's or Koala's yet?? Anyway bye for now and keep enjoying yourselves.
Love from Jayne xx
oooooh they sound amazing :) hope oz is coool love you xxxxxxxx
peggy the sour skittles here are really different - they are coated in a sour sugary sherbert layer, not just a little bit sour tasting like the english ones, i shall endeavour to bring some back for you! at the airport in singapore atm woo!! hope ur enjoying the wind!!! xxx
hope ur well and
hey hey terrible two,
lovely to hear a blog from josie we do have sour skittles over here though!! but you could always bring some peanut butter m and ms back they sound goooood!!! bey you rae really excited about going to oz, expect it will seem really different to the other places but thats why its so exciting going travelling! say hello to harold, keep in touch xxxxxxxx
Hi Jemma
Really great to hear your news, i feel like im living the experience with you. Some of the things ive actually done myself when ive been on longhaul trips so brings back really good memories. I read all your news to Nanny and she loves to hear your latest adventures! Helen and i in the office at the moment and sheltering from the wind!!
Keep safe and look forward to your next blog
Lots of love
Delia and Helen xx
Auntie Susan
Hi Jemma,
We have been having a great time looking at your photos and reading your blog. Boys are really impressed ... Joseph will be sending you a message later. The beach photos were amazing - loved the underwater shots of snorkling with the fish.The elephant rides looked fantastic... along way off the ground!
Nana and Grandad will be looking at your site round at Dad's today- they'll be thrilled to see what you have been up to! Took Nana to London yesterday to see Sound Of Music - we sang all the way home, she loved it!
Great to see you are having such a fantastic time... we're all so jealous.. take care! The Bradshaws xx
Eek sounds like you're having an amazing time! Loving the pics, altho that monkeyish creature-y thing looked a bit weird/scary/sad! I'm off to a houseparty in an hour so should probs get ready! Take care love yas xxxxx
hello lovely, sounds like ur having a fantastic time!! loving the purple robes!! keep on updating, im loving the blog!! xxxxx ps patrick swayze has cancer!!!!!
hello my loves
sounds as thou ur havin a super cool time! im proper bo jealous. im just gonna look at some more of ur pictures now on the others it looks so pretty! miss u lots