Last week in Oyugis this week and then we fly back to Nairobi ready to start our safari! Exciting stuff but think it will actually be a bit strange saying goodbye to people, we've made some good friends out here, met some lovely people and seen learnt alot.
Well we made to and back from Kakamega, it was fantastic and a realy nice break from the hustle and bustle of Oyugis. Kakamega is the last remaining rainforest in Kenya. It used to stretch all the way acrss central Africa from West to East but now ony a tine proportion of it remains and thats here in Kenya. We stayed at a place caled KEEP- Kenya environmental and educational programme where the educate youngsters about the forest, the wildlife etc. We stayed in a little mud hut with a straw roof and a tiny little porch-it was right in the middle of the forset-when you went to sleep at night you could hear the sounds of the forest, the birds, the bats, the insects. We went on a guided tour which took us through the rainforest where we saw monkeys playing in the trees, beautiful butterflies, birds and even a snake (although it was ony tiny). We climbed a really steep hill and entered a cave which had many years back been used for mining gold, inside it was pitch black, when we turned on our head torches we were surrounded by bats hovering above us and swooshing past. we then trecked to the top of the hill (it fet like we'd climbed mount Kilamajaro) and watched the sunset, the scenery was stunning, mist over the river far below and Mount Eldorat (mountain on the boarder of Kenya and Ugand) in the distance. As we trecked back through the pitch black forest we saw fireflies, it was lovely. As we sat reading our books on the verranda in the morning e saw monkeys playing in the trees right next to our banda. (We visited Ronda, Aunty Hazel, Jimand Pat etc, it's beautifu, i bet it was really nice to relax there after yur hectic few weeks out here).
This week has been equally interesting, we've been trying our hand at teaching in a nursery school- it was really enjoyabe. We've aso been out with the community health workers visiting the sick in the community- they walk for miles on end to counse and advise their patients and take them treatment. We've also been to church-this time Seventh Day Adventist which hld their services on a saturday, it was a more subdued affair than the pentecostal service but the singing was equally as beautiful although alitte less energetic. We then went around to one of our friends houses for a meal with her family, she even baked us a cake to take back hme with us! (we gave Judith her watch and its up and running perfectly)Everybody is really looking after us here and we're having a fantastic time- even though we've got rather soggy and muddy these past few days but it all adds to the excitement.
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