Around the World Forever
So now that the craziness of the new year has died down a little, I just have one more thing to do....and that´s to head into no-man´s land again on a bike. The greatest obstacle, as usual, is predicting if it will rain or not. I got pretty lucky this time out with just some cloudy skies and even some sun in the late afternoon. My mission, solo this time, was to to just pick some random roads and see where they go while still maintaining some sense of where I am. That didn´t always work. After several hours of exploring I ended up exactly where I had not expected to go even though I wasn´t expecting to be anywhere in particular from the outset, if that makes any sense. But once I found myself on the map I realized I could get to the Inka terraces of Moray, which they think might have been used as an agricultural laboratory centuries ago, and the salt pools of Salineras, which have been producing salt for over 400 years and are still doing it today. Beyond Moray, where the tourist buses and even guided groups on 4 wheelers turn around, I pressed on through a small village and deep in to the lush green farmlands. My return to Cusco was via the Sacred Valley road through Urubamba and Pisac. This turned out to be a great day for photography so I´m just going to leave it at that. Lots of photos are in this entry. My time in Peru is about to expire but I think there are some exciting things to come....I just need to figure out how to get to wherever it is I´m going.
- comments
liat_shlesi Hey there Hola. Liat here (remember? the one that almost killed u the last time u were in s.america..) any way, ur trips sounds amazing. i also took a bike around Cusco, for 3 weeks. its so beautiful- kinda hard to remember now that im in a history class in university. but still.. have fun and take care- Liat.
Brent Durand Moto Photos Amazing photos Jeff! Beautiful area.
Vidal very nice picture, this is my county