Around the World Forever
Happy Holidaze everyone from Cuzco Peru. This holiday season I've found myself working in the bar at The Point Hostel...a job I know quite well. I had no intention of working but two days after I arrived in Cuzco, they had to fire all the gringo staff working in the bar for taking too much cocaine, drinking way too much, and in general, for acting totally insane. So I stepped in to help in exchange for the normal pay...a free bed, free dinner, and a discount on the booze. It's been simply crazy here, especially since a hard charging gang of six Irish lads rocked up to the bar one morning (8:30am) and demanded to be served. With seemingly bottomless stomachs, even deeper wallets, and livers made of steel, what followed had to be the bar's best day when measured financially. It was also the bar's ugliest day as a few of the lads had a preference for walking around the hostel and dancing on the pool table naked. There was no stopping them. Their drink of choice in between finishing off all the Corona beer and imbibing heavily on Vodka Sprite was the ultra expensive JagerBomb (a shot of Jagermeister dropped into a glass of Red Bull). Their call to arms, screamed as loud as they could... "Jager drinkers, what is your profession? AAAAAAHHHHOOOOOO". I still don't get what that means but that's what you have to say before you chug it. Anyway, after 12 hours and 148 Jagerbombs later, I guesstimated that they spent about $700 American dollars on this fine day. They just recently checked out after about 2 weeks or so here. Their bill between them was over 10,000 Nuevo Soles...or about $3,300 USD. My friend Ben, the owner, was quite pleased with this to say the least. And so it goes....I suppose I could write more about all the unique characters that have influenced this holiday season but it would just get repetitive and you can easily go out and rent Animal House on DVD. That's the summary of what's going on at the moment. I'm outta here soon....but there's still something I have to do first.
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